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Home Letter Volume 35, August 20, 1961 Number 8

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VOLUME 35                    August 20, 1961                        No. 8

MONDAY, AUGUST 14: We awoke to a very heavy fog and unseasonably cold weather which finally warmed up about 10:00 p.m. The third Trenton Falls trip departed smaller than usual due to the lack of eligible campers. Hunt Hilliard replaced Dick Carlton as Commander-in-chief to give Dick a respite from this rather responsible job. Hunt was assisted by Tom Gilmore and Doug Coupe. The finals of the senior sailing races were completed before lunch. In the afternoon, Tom Mercer organized a baseball game that went the full nine innings and consumed the better part of the afternoon. A few brave campers enjoyed a swim in spite of a cold wind that prevailed.

TUESDAY: A duplicate of the day before so far as the weather was concerned. The final Up-the-Lake trip departed under the guidance of Dick Carlton, Frank Pine, and Walter Rogers. Twelve campers made this trip. Enough wind was afield to allow the sailboats to be occupied most of the day. Another baseball game was scheduled which included anyone in camp that wanted to play. Shortly before supper, Trenton Falls travelers returned with all in good shape and good spirits. Almost simultaneously, the Up-the-Lakers beached their canoes at camp, having had a fine trip.

WEDNESDAY: Another cool-in-the-morning, warm-in-the-afternoon day. Before milk and crackers, an impromptu canoe trip left our shores for distant lands around Clarke’s Point. The smallest campers made this excursion with Tom Mercer, Doug Coupe, and Jim Main. They took milk and crackers for sustenance and returned shortly before lunch. Dick Koppisch and Dave Wilber engaged in a hike to Lookout with some ten or so campers. In the afternoon, the postponed swimming meet originally scheduled for Sunday, was finally carried out. The campers were divided in half: one team as the Greens and the other as the Blues. The teams were evenly matched and the meet ended up with the Greens on top by one point. Some more sailing races were completed in the junior division. In the evening, we were wonderfully entertained by the hilarious movie, “Don’t Go Near the Water.”

THURSDAY: A beautiful clear camp day. The last Susquehanna trip departed in the morning under the leadership of Harry Parker, Tom Mercer, and Allen Spaulding along with ten boys. Swimming was the activity of the day. In the afternoon, the final Lookout trip sallied forth with Dick Koppisch, Dave Wilber, and Dave McManus leading the sallying of twenty boys. In conjunction with this trip, Dick McCaffery took five of his riders on horseback to the same camping spot. The horses were bedded down close at hand. It was an ideal night to sleep high atop the mountain, and eve Echo was to be seen in full view along with myriads of other heavenly bodies.

FRIDAY: A repeat of Thursday weatherwise. The Lookout trip returned reporting no Bobcats seen or heard, but a beautiful clear night for sleeping. The Susquehanna trip also returned from the river not too long afterwards. Dick Carlton led a group of ULs out and brought back two large loads of wood for the final bonfire. At this writing, all wood has been gathered and the bonfire construction will commence shortly. In the afternoon, we had two groups competing in the wind—up swimming events. These are directed toward the ribbon awards at the bonfire. At the end of these races, Dick Carlton,

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David McManus, and Peter McManus along with Walter Rogers led the largest Nebo trip of the season—twenty-six strong. After supper, twenty of ULs journeyed to Van Hornesville for the weekly bowling session.

SATURDAY: Warm and humid was the weather story. The greater portion of the campers were occupied with more wind—up swimming and boating events. Two more loads of wood were gathered from the nearby woods. In order to not have lots of soiled laundry come home with the boys, we have arranged to have it come back on Wednesday. Thusly, we had the Sunday trunk inspection today an readied the laundry for its pick—up this afternoon, instead of the usual Monday collection. Any laundry that is missing from your sons trunks will be sent on after camp closes, if it has name tags on and can be identified. Many of the ironed—on ones and laundry markers have now disappeared. There is not too much we can do about these items, unless the boys can recognize them. In the evening, we were delightfully entertained by an original musical production from the pens of Mac Mellor and Jim Main. The cast consisted of an all-star group from the ranks of the councilors and campers. Mac Mellor had the leading role, admirably supported by Jim Main, Ned Atwater and Doug Coupe, and specially selected campers. Warren Hills should be commended for his behind-stage electronics.

REGATTA DAY: Cloudy but warm, which gave us an opportunity to continue more of the final wind—up events in the water. This was intermingled with the collection of Clean laundry. The final church service of the summer was conducted by the Director along the lines of reminding us of the fact that many of our camp activities were not really ended simply by Physically leaving camp. A small group of eight journeyed to Cooperstown as spectators
to a Star boat sailing race from the Cooperstown Yacht Club. Dick McAffery transported his own horse to Cooperstown to participate in a local riding show. Two of his faithful ULs accompanied him on the expedition. The afternoon saw more wind—un activities. We are taking advantage of all the warm weather to get these accomplished. We also mustered together all the entries for the eight inch Yacht Regatta. This is an event in which the boys make a boat of not more than eight inches in length, with any type of design and sail they desire. These are all released in the water at a determined spot and the first one to reach the shoreline is declared the winner. Acting as Commodore for our very busy Commodore Walter Lord was Deputy Commodore John Mercer. The fleetest vessel this year was David and Peter McManus’s “Killer” with Steve Lines’s “ Windword” and Deidre Hilliard’s Dee Dee” second and third respectively. The winning architect’s name will be suitably engraved on our Yacht Cup that we have for this occasion. Our outdoor supper was followed by a short game period and finally the educational movies.

A FINAL REMINDER: that Thursday, August 24 at 6:00 p.m. is the chicken hour. Friday morning, August 25, will be the departure time for those going by bus and train. The bus is due to arrive in N.Y. at 2:00p.m. at the Port Authority Bus Terminal, probably at Gate #6. Train #149, The Afternoon Keystone is due to arrive in Baltimore at 6:05 p.m. Friday morning the tents will be lowered, the waterfront cleared, and all equipment stored away for the winter.

WHEN NEXT YOU HEAR FROM US, via the mails, it will be a week or so after the close of camp. It will be in will be in the form of a Homeletter together with the incidental bills for each boy and any other remarks we may have.

Thank you all very much for your kind letters. They have been a great moral booster to us all this summer. We have enjoyed having each of your youngsters with us this summer and hope that they, in turn, enjoyed themselves enough to depart from Hyde Bay with pleasant memories and the wish to return next year.


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