Hyde Bay Camp For Boys Homeletter Vol 22, September 2, 1948 No. 7 |
Back to The Lodge Courtesy Larry Pickett
VOLUME 22 September 2, 1948 No. 7 APOLOGY I do not know when I have written a Home Letter when camp was over. I have usually planned to do so, but do not recall ever having carried out the intention. This year our efficient Head Councilor suggested that I do so. I always carry out his suggestions if I can because they are universally good ones. DATE This will go out to you as soon as we got the bills for incidental charges completed. It is quite a job. We have to go over and over our records. We have to get the bills from the various stores, telephone companies, hospitals, taxies, busses and the like, before we are sure that all items are in. We mail packages whose postage is always charged. Presently two or three weeks have passed. The date on this letter is, therefore, the date of dictation. The post mark will have to be your information as to date of mailing. BILLS The itemized statement which you will find enclosed are not charges. There are no extra charges at Hyde Bay. Infirmary, nurse, incidentals, such as tape, bandage, and antiseptic compounds, golf, riding, trips to town to the movies and to the hospital, and a lot of such things are included in the camp fee. This is by no means standard camp practice, but we have continued to do so, even in the era of high prices. These bills represent money advanced for your son for his very personal expenses, such as laundry, haircuts, candy, pop, car fare, express, and small purchases duly authorized. REPOPTS-OUT There are a few summer school reports to be included where boys were tutoring. Otherwise we send out no final report because we know that yourson is a better talker than he is a writer. REPORTS—IN No one has notified me of the non—arrival of a camper or hisbaggage. The usual request for a search after lost articles have begun to come in. (You should have seen the precautions we took with all boys to see that they had all their possessions). I have had some splendid letters from pleased parents. I have had one containing sons criticism. (One of the first I have had in some years.) As far as I can make out it was a very successful season. Certainly I was very pleased with the staff, all of whom did a splendid job. WIND—UP We managed to get about one hundred thirty—eight boys and parents into the dining room for the banquet of fried chicken and appropriate accessories. Councilors and boys had decorated the room with cornstalks and evergreen boughs. There was an air of gaiety — consonant with the occasion. After the Director had spoken at some length, and Mr. Chandlee had called in the cooks to present them with a gift from the boys (Ernie made a splendid speech in return) we adjourned to the water front where our giant bonfire was lighted. After its first glory had faded Head Councilor Chandlee awarded prizes. PRIZES All sorts of boat and swimming races were given first, second, and third place ribbons. They are far too numerous to mention. The winners of corresponding places in the wrestling matches were also awarded. As these contestants were divided into weight classes, they were very numerous. The horse show had been judged on Monday by Colonel Simon Acoutin, once an officer in the army of the Czar. Here again age classes produced many ribbons. Graham Slaughter was pronounced grand champion of the camp. Non-rewarded were Edo Ackerson and Doc Spencer who put on some very entertaining acts at the horse show. Billy Bitzer won the prize for having kept the neatest bunk for the season. Doc Spencer was awarded for catching the biggest fish, a really significant pickerel. Skipper Banker and Crew Powell received the sailing prize. TOURNAMENTS TENNIS PING-PONG HORSESHOES SWIMMING During the season nine boys passed the A test, thirty—four the B, nineteen C, fourteen D, and four E. We had to confess at season’s end that six boys had to be classed as non-swimmers. Even those were able to swim a bit, but not enough to pass our lowest test. We had eleven boys in camp who were Junior Life Savers. Twenty—two were added to this number this season, while fifteen boys and councilors passed the difficult Senior Test. Red Cross awards were also given in the Advanced Swimmer, Intermediate and Beginner classes. Certificates were given to all boys who passed any swimmer’s test. These awards are in the nature of a small diploma—like document, suitable forframing. STUDIES The report of the summer school has just come in, showing some very fine work. Most of the examinations taken at the camp were passed with excellent grades. Others have gone on to the various schools to be graded. If your son was one of those studying, you should praise him for doing a difficult task very well. I always admire the boys who study so hard during the summer. |