Hyde Bay Camp For Boys Homeletter Vol 22, August 10, 1948 No. 5 |
Back to The Lodge Courtesy Larry Pickett
VOLUME 22 August 10, 1948 No. 5 REFLECTION This has been, so far, a splendid camp season. An able and amiable council, a splendid group of boys, the enthusiastic praises of numerous visiting parents, the tireless efforts of the veteran faculty, the cooperation of studious boys, all these foot up to the sort of camp season your editor-director would fain see prolonged indefinitely. Even such an oasis, in an angry world, must disperse, although it stimulates in my mind the sentiments which Tennyson ascribed to Arthur as he contemplated the breaking up of the Table Round. All this says in plain prose that camp will close in about two weeks, so we must make plans for that event. THOSE PLANS Boys will leave camp on the morning of Wednesday August twenty-fifth. The supervised group will take train #138, known as the “Up State Special.” This should arrive in New York at 1:45 pm standard time. Albany is reached at 10:40 a.m. The stop at Harmon occurs at 12:50 p.m. Just who will draw the lucky number as supervisor of the expedition has not been decided. Boys should be able to catch either the 2:30 p.m., Just who will draw the lucky number as supervisor of the expedition has not been decided. Boys should be able to catch either the 2:30 p.m., or 3:30 p.m. on the Pennsylvania, depending on the accuracy of the aim of the engineer on our New York Central train. This means they will arrive reasonably close to 5:50 or 6:24 p.m. in the Pennsylvania station at Baltimore or 6:30 and 7:05 in Washington. These are standard times as advertised by the Pennsy, under date of April twenty-fifth. Prudent parents will check with the most recent Time Tables. WEATHER This morning when the Directress and I were the only ones to go off the dock into Otsego our thermometer stood at flat fifty. The sun shines hot in a completely cloudless sky. The temperature is rising rapidly. As I came over the crest of the hill, the Susquehanna Valley was filled with frothy mist, with rounded woody hills emerging on either side. For the last three days it has been cold, with a steady wind coming in off the lake. The temperature has been around sixty-eight. It rained all day Thursday, so the Susquehanna trip was called off until this morning. The first three days of the week were clear and warm with temperature ranging from seventy—five to eighty—one. All the nights have been cold, however, ideal for sleeping; and have been enthusiastically used for that purpose. HEALTH Our most recent measlers are on their way out. Ted Saunders resumed speed this morning, while Bobby Stone will follow his laudable example very soon. John Whitelaw nay have a somewhat longer assignment as a late starter. VISITORS We have had a spate of welcome parents. Far too numerous to mention. We are always glad to see them and wish that the final roll would equal our mailing list. RACING EVENT If you read the New York Evening Sun you must have noticed in the Quester’s column an account of our Turtle Derby. The Quester, known to his friends as C. M. Stow, saw this exciting feature of Hyde Bay life on Monday after supper. Space is lacking to describe the panolpy of the scene. The Commodore disguised as a racing fan, costumes on every one, Toby Hyde bugling merrily, Number 16, “The Slop”, owned and operated by Barker, Hills, and Rouse, winning the main event, which is proceeded by a “silver dollar race” for little turtles, the winner of which does not appear in my notes. At the close a canoe, heavily laden with emancipated turtles, paddled off into the deepening shadows, while a chorus sang “Way Down Upon the Shadow Brook”. EXPEDITIONS On Tuesday our team went to famous Doubleday Field for practice for the ordeal of Wednesday, when we lost two games to Cooperstown teams. Hank lead out the first horse hike to distant Nebo, where they spent a pleasant night. He was accompanied by three R’s and two S’s, Rouse, Rozendaal, and George Ruestow, Shepard, and Graham Slaughter. Dick Terrill took his tent to Gravelly of which more hereafter. The usual gang were transported to the movie on Friday night. SPECIAL EVENTS To while away the raining hours on Thursday, Councilor Tom Shaw was tried on a charge of arson and hindering the Hyde Bay Volunteer Fire Department. There is no verdict as the trial was postponed. At night one of the largest Bingo games in America was perpetrated. And so the moist moments were passed happily. (Note to mothers. Not a boy wore his rubbers.) THE LAST OF THE DRAMATISTS On Saturday night the final series of tent plays, and one of the best, graced the boards of our theatre. Tent 6, whose patron saint is Phil Fenton, won the prize with a whole western drama featuring many stellar actors. Competition was close. Mention should be made of Bobo’s a offering where he and Jack Cooper barely (and I mean barely) missed winning for their team with a dance routine never before seen in America. SENIOR LIFE SAVING Encouraged by results in the junior class, swimming councilor Bob has inaugurated a senior class of almost equal proportions. The water safety of America is on the way to betterment. THE SABBATH This clear windy morning, dotted by a bit of rain in the afternoon, disclosed Heb preaching briefly from the Russellorum. Two station wagon loads of songsters, accompanied Al Kerr to one of the famous Cooperstown sings. They participated lustily in the music and listened respectfully while Cord Moyer spoke on World Federalization. The Director introduced the speaker and announced that H. H. Knickerbocker would be the attraction on the following Sunday, when another contingent of Hyde Bayers will undoubtedly be there. THE MORE, THAT WAS PROMISED LATER Dick Terrill’s tent portrayed their trip to Gravelly as their play on Saturday. For stark reality it has never been equaled. POST CARDS If you get this far, please note that we would 1ike to have you send us back the enclosed post card, giving us your travel plans. BANQUET On that same card, please tell us if you are accepting the invitation hereby offered to the final banquet, award of prizes, and bonfire on the night of August twenty-fourth. It is very necessary for you to let us know so we can make two campers sit where one camper sat before. Parents are very welcome. SWIMMING RESULTS E Test, Guy and Barker, H. D Test, Donahoe (repeater), Gould, Stone, Phil Webster, and White. 14 C Tests have also been passed, 7 B Tests and 3 A Tests have likewise been completed. A splendid record. APOLOGY We have already said it was a windy week. That may account for the extra sheet. Boys should be taught to “write to space.” It was neglected in my education. |