Hyde Bay Camp For Boys Homeletter 1947 Season, Christmas |
Back to The Lodge HYDE BAY HOME LETTER Christmas SEASON 1947 We take this opportunity, not only to wish all Hyde Bay Folk a very Merry Christmas and a most Happy New Year, but also to give you news of the camp. It is just another HOMELETTER, a Christmas Homeletter this time. We will let it take the familiar form. Being a very special edition, it is printed. RECORD Looking back over the old year with thoughts of the new, it is pleasant to see how well the boys did on their examinations at camp and after. All who took school examinations either passed or made a grade high enough to warrant their going on to the next class. On the college examinations there was but one failure and that a very pardonable one at 52 per cent. There was but one other mark below 70 per cent. Tom Machen’s 84 per cent in Algebra was not only our highest mark, but the highest grade I noticed among the reports on fall examinations here at school. ATHLETICS You will all be glad to know that Jake Classen, Mouse Emory, Steve Mann, Joe Matthews, Ray Roberts and Cooper Walker made their letters on the Gilman football team. That is a great representation for us on just one team. Of course, it was the Otsego Ozone and the crackers and milk which did it! Charly Hilgartner, Herbert Pickett and Herbert Smelser made A G A on the squad. Hammy Welbourn and Sam George helped the Gilman Junior Varsity go through the season without a single defeat to the league championship. Any number of other boys of Hyde Bay fame made under-squad teams; Johnny King, Bruce and Harry Campbell, Hugh O’Donovan, Lawry and Bobby Pickett, Jack Taliaferro. COUNCILLORS Leslie Exshaw writes of great adventures in the University of Virginia, geologic mountain climbs, wearing a hat, upper deck in a double decker bed. “Such a life” Fanny Payne broke his collar bone and missed much of the Tulane season. Think of Fanny being vulnerable! Tim Pitts is helping Huidekoper keep track of the player-trading in the big league. Charley Classen showed up the other day weighing over one hundred and eighty and all set for another year on the Princeton wrestling team. Doug Wise is attending Loyola in Baltimore. He and Jack Young drove the station wagon down from camp to Baltimore with no great mishap other than losing off the left rear wheel. Fortunately it was noticed before they had gone far, and the Director drove back and put it on(?). Jack is at Hopkins this year, living at Gilman with supervision of some of the smaller boarders. George Poore is cutting up at Columbia where he is still at the study of medicine; or did he do his dissection last year? Bert Moore, whom you will remember three years ago, if you were then at Hyde Bay, is teaching in the Gilman Lower School and taking courses at Hopkins. Whit Jack is now a full-fledged Shreveport lawyer. MASTERS The Dunnings are back at Governor Dummer after a trip through Canada. He supervises the school publication, The Archon. Mr. Dresser, as usual, coached the ends on the Gilman Varsity. Mr. Hartzell, writes from Franklin and Marshall College and the academic seclusion of his work in French, “Must stop now and get the market reports on the Radio (He still plays bids of one.) He and Mr. Blessing, (of the staff two years ago as you old boys will remember,) ran into us on our way down, socially, not mechanically. Mr. Marrian diluted his mathematical activities with coaching the 118 pound team. The Russells came safely home, driven by Mr. Russell, of course. When he has not been dashing about through the heavier downtown traffic, Mr. Russell has coached the Junior Varsity to another championship, the while keeping the heads of Ceasar and Cicero above the rising tide of democracy. The Editor stood at his elbow on the football squad, restraining his more savage instincts. Mr. Townsend loves Cooperstown so much that he did not leave for some two weeks after the rest of us were gone. He is all right now, all traces of the Jaundice gone, hospital a mere fading memory, able to wallow in the snow with the best of his soccer squad, and to keep the name of P. Virgilius Maro fresh and green in this modern age. CAMP A friend writes that he recently visited camp and found it still there though so strange, with no noise, no boys, tennis court covered with boards and weeds, windows boarded up, no boats out, no tents, just hickory nuts and squirrels. MOHICAN Just had a chance to buy the “Mohican.” The price is less than we paid for the new motor boat last summer. What a temptation! What could we do with it? Tim suggests the councillors use it for dates. NEWS Write in news of your self and maybe we can get out another Homeletter before camp opens once more. |