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PROLOGUE: This Home Letter is written under the pleasant strain of Baseball excitement. The Editor, has to go down to be Master of Ceremonies on the platform in front of the Baseball Museum where fifteen plaques will be dedicated to as many baseball immortals. Out at Camp, sandwiches are being constructed in a fury of activity. All means of transportation are being refurbished and arranged. This is the “Day of Days” when the Yankees play the Braves on Doubleday Field. All of the camp who want to go are on their way. The day has started off with a cloudless sky and bright sun and with delightfully cool air. Imagine the band playing “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” and you have the whole scene.
HEALTH: All or ills have been minor Ones, not worthy of mention. The Camp Infirmary has echoed hollowly to the slamming of its screen door all during the week.
WEATHER: While we have had some rain, we have had more days of typical camp weather.
SWIMMING: What a record has been built up this year in the swimming departments. There are 52 boys in damp. Three have passed the grueling “A” test. The swim from Clark’s Point over to Camp. Three have passed the “B” test, a good half mile. Three have passed the “C” test, a mere 440 yards. Eleven have been out around the tower on the “D” test, 150 yards. One has done the 50 yards we call our “E” test. There is only one who hasn’t at least the “E”, but he can swim and will soon progress up through those distinctions. Fourteen Juniors are making splendid progress in lifesaving. This will give us 24 out of 26 campers of the proper age as qualified Junior Lifesavers. A splendid record. We all join in congratulations to Kip and his highly cooperative clients.
MONDAY: Jim Waters took his tent to Gravelly Point for the night Whit Firor and Dixon Hills accompanied him, but at home languishing in utter uselessness remained their invaluable frying pan.
TUESDAY: The Formans came In to see Cub. We even persuaded Father Forman into the water. Tommy Waxter and McKim Williams were the first to pass the “A” test for the season. Brother Hunt Williams with his tent, assisted by Blaise, spent the night on the popular point known as Gravelly. John Foshay, previously grounded due to injury, made his debut in the water. There was a high wind tempting out our sail boats. Two had to be rescued by the “ST 37” although they returned right side up. The evening was enlivened by a visit from our neighbors down the lake, the Baptist Camp on the site formerly occupied by the Pathfinders Lodge for Girls. The manager of the camp, Mr. Theodore Conklin, brought with him another Baptist minister, Mr. Nicholas Titus. Masquerading cleverly as a newly arrived Italian, ”Tony,” completely fooled the camp for some minutes and then reverted to his natural form to give us a splendid talk on understanding the other fellow.
WEDNESDAY: Just a pleasant uneventful day at camp. Bob Pickett went to Utica with his mother and brought back some new Army tents which have already been installed, Craig Merrihue was visited by his mother and grandmother.
THURSDAY: This day was cloudy. We put up a new tent for No. 4. We strong—armed the erstwhile Kohler generator house on to the trailer and down to the new location back of the lodge where it has today been transformed into a magnificently stocked store, complete with coca cola cooler and shelves loaded with sweets. It was really hot this Thursday. Two station wagon—loads of boys went to town to patronize the Annual Carnival on the Knox school lawn.
FRIDAY: Our first trip down the Susquehanna was led out by Bob Pickett assisted by Puffy, Buzzv, Bob Russell and John Rouse. Heb and his tent went off to Gravelly taking Peter Banker with them. Another large group went down to the Carnival. Herbert and David Dresser, ##### the moment due to the absence of their parents, came down to spend the weekend at camp. Fred Glann developed an earache on the canoe trip. We had him, home and in the infirmary in an hour and the next day he was up and about almost as good as new. The ULs cleared large areas around several of the tents with the idea of discouraging the nightly infestations of our unfamiliar bugs. That night the rain poured down somewhat wetting the hardy outdoor groups.
SATURDAY: Back came the trips jubilant, though moist, reporting a huge success on all fronts. Later in the day, in came Commodore Lord accompanied by his personal servant, Bill Lynn. These names need no annotation to the old Hyde Bayers. For the new, let us say that they are old campers, councilors and visitors whose advent is an experience which cannot adequately be described to these who have not enjoyed it. Suffice it to say that things begin to move when these masters of mischief arrive. Parents Haight, Jones, Riepe and Egbert visited us. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr came in to see if councilor Al was homesick. They were pleasantly rewarded by his cheerful appearance.
THE DRAMA IN ITS HIGHEST FORM: Producer Al Kerr put on a magnificent series of plays. While the prize of a box of Hersheys was awarded to the tent housing Foshay, Firor, Hills and Youmans, the competition was very close. The three little elves who ministered to the wants of their councilor, old Cobbler Hobby, were ably abetted by Walter Birge who appeared in the ever-present cutaway looking like so many penguins. Hot competition also came from Ollie Thomson’s tent where Bumpkin Stephenson obviously felt the charms of Nurse Rouse, while Dr. McKim Williams oozed professional unction. The winning play showed Cleopatra Foshay replete with rolling eyes and obvious charms ably attended by Slave Firor and Vizier Hills. She, of course, succumbed to the charms of Mark Anthony Youmans. The dance of Slave Firor looked as though it had been snatched in toto from the walls of an Egyptian tomb. Such carefully concealed grace!
SUNDAY: This was Fathers Day (informal). The Kerrs came back. Father Bob Kiphuth visited son, daughter and grand-daughter. Visited also by parents were Charlie Riepe, Bill Ravenal, Freddie Glann and Kenny Palmer. It was a clear, fine day. Kip preached. The store was open for business. Commodore Lord stepped out of his native element and umpired a ball game which resulted in 21-9 in favor of the winners. Off went Hunt’s “Tent_of_the_week” to town by the Hacker. During the afternoon aguaplaning was enjoyed.
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