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Homeletter 1947 Season, No. 2

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HYDE BAY HOME LETTER  No. 2                                    SEASON 1947

WEATHER: The weather has been good and bad. The early part of the weak we had rain and cloudy weather for which atonement has been made since in the form of some warm and sunny days which have driven us gratefully into the lake,

HEALTH: The infirmary has been as idle as a painted house upon a painted landscape if we may paraphrase so freely. John Foshay and Bob Russell who have previously been reported as injured, are back in full circulation.

MONDAY: The morning saw a stalwart group start off to explore the wilds of Strawberry Mountain. The rest of the day the rain saw fit to fall. In the midst of the downpour came Mickey Stephenson, old councilor and old camper, who is with us for a little while pending the necessary negotiations to transport him to Europe to join his parents.

TUESDAY: Rain, Two of our canoes returned to camp after having participated in the very remarkable pageant portraying the history of Worcester no less a spot than the birthplace of the Director. They came hack decorated as Indian birch bark canoes and caused a momentary sensation. After supper, there was a big bingo game. The movie which had been planned to be shown on Wednesday night was given this afternoon. It was “The House on 92nd Street.”

WEDNESDAY: Very cloudy today. Back came the Hacker, our 22 foot motor boat, with the three comets in tow. These boats had been stranded for several days at the Country Club due to the unfavorable weather. The motor boat has been thoroughly overhauled and therefore must run at half speed for some time. Its performance augurs well for full speed in the future.

THURSDAY: Heb Evans took Waxter, Powell and Barker to Gravelly for lunch. Jim Waters and his tent went out for supper accompanied by Craig Merrihue and a water melon. Hobby and Buzzie were out with their respective tents for a supper party.

FRIDAY: Trips around the shore of beautiful Lake Otsego have always been a feature of the Camp. First of the 1947 season was led out by Councilors Heb, Puffy and Hunt. They circumnavigated the Glimmerglass and returned paddle—weary, but enthusiastic.

SATURDAY: This was quite a visiting day. While previously in the week the deSibours, Merrihues and Egberts had been with us, this day saw a considerable influx of visitors. The Cummings, Haights and Mrs. Black visited their sons, while Mrs. Leverich and Mr. Townsend visited their grandchildren, Ralph Duane and Kenny Palmer. In the same category might be listed the Ryans who came in primarily to see grandson Robbie Pickett.

DRAMA: Saturday evening saw the first play produced under the aegis of Al Kerr. Belasco Barriskill is devoting himself this year to his duties as a Professor in the Hyde Bay College. The production was the result of minutes or even hours of laborious preparation on the part of the actors. The players were all obviously veterans. In addition to the impresario himself, who pushed a beard about the stage, no lesser dignitaries than Kip, Bob Pickett and Chiefie Chandlee exposed themselves on the boards. Heb, Blaise and Bob Russell were in the cast also, Blaise accelerated the heart beats of the young men by his impersonation of a beautiful young lady. New Councilor Dick Terrill distinguished himself by his guttural tones. This production was followed by some remarkable psychic work by Swami Kerr abetted by a bearded Chandlee. Then the Evans Brothers with certain satellites sang topical songs lampooning impiously the Director and other dignitaries.

SUNDAY: This day played its title role with fairer weather. Al Kerr preached. The Limas visited. Tent 8 won the inspection gonfalon and was rewarded by a trip to town in the Hacker. Heb and Puffy’s tents challenged the camp only to be defeated in soft ball by a score of 25–10.

ETC. After the rain, had a lot of good sailing weather. Innumerable tests were passed. The tennis court was out of use due to the rain weather but the horses were shod and went gaily out upon the road.

COLLECTOR: Professor Puffy Evans and several of his students are busy catching turtles for the forthcoming carnival in Cooperstown. In the catch was one with the painted number on his hack which indicated that he had been in the Carnival last year.

ERRORS: In the list of the Council last week should have occurred the name Thomson instead of Mason. Ollie is still his first name. Most grievous omission of all was that of Hans, the elongated pet, a real member of the Mercer family. Our apologies to Ollie and Hans.

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