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Hyde Bay
They have most of them gone now. The two Calleries, Hyde
Clarke, Andy Turnbull, Hammy Welbourn, Billy Beardsley, Dave Brewster, and Joe King are the only ones left, aside from the usual Picketts, Donny and Jack Young. The Captain Hartzell is on the wing going tomorrow. Mr. Marrian is commuting to Colgate attending a coaching school. Hammy will take Fielder, Prudence and Theodore to Baltimore early Friday morning. Joe King will go with him. Andy wil1 gotomorrow. Dave Saturday, Billy later when his parents get back from Europe, and the Callery boys will go down with Mr. Marrian on Sunday.
It was a really great season. Fifty-six boys were here for various times, ranging from two weeks to nine. Most were here for the eight weeks. The next largest group was the one-month boys.Bobby Pickett had the only bad accident, Dick Comer our one case of sickness. They were a very easy crowd of boys to deal with. The council worked out very well indeed. The summer school was as smooth as ever. The only amazing thing is where the summer has gone.
The dining room was very beautifully decorated last night.Fielder and Prudence veritably outdid themselves. Broilers, Prudence own rolls, candied sweet potatoes and a farewell taste of the peach icecream. These we enjoyed to the full, literally. There were no speeches. The Director said a few words of appreciation of all the help he had had from everyone. We then adjourned to the water-front where the sixth and best of Cap. Hartzell's bonfires was a roaringsuccess. As the flames died down a bit Charley presented a few simple prizes. You know we do not believe in prizes much. All were inexpensive and useful; no cups at all. All were for things done. None were for our opinion of various boys.
Captain Hartzell won the horseshoe tournament and got a book of bridge rules. Johnny Gott was the best in senior tennis with a pencil as award. Chuck Gallery won both tennis and pingpong in his class. Kemp Bartlett was in absentia announced as winner of the junior pingpong. Jerry Willse and Ray Gildea both were awarded best inspection record for the year. This was most unusual as it was a perfect record in each case. I do not recall any such record previously. Hyde Clarke was best in the horse show with Chuck and Jack Thomas close after him. Johnny Smith as usual was best fisherman. Then a shower of ribbons for the Wind-Up hit almost every boy in camp. There were land and water sports.
A feature of the last night festivities was the singing to his own guitar accompaniment, of Bobby Root of East Springfield. He led the crowd in numerous popular ballads and gave a number of solos of his own.
At the last night dinner we had Mr. and Mrs. Gildea, The Kennedys, The Littles, Mrs. Root and Miss Root. Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Turnbull came in for the twins today and stayed to dinner with us.
Herb Smelser went off in his car with Buddy and Tommy at an awful hour this morning. Les took Billy Lynn and Jerry about the same time. Cooper Walker and Jack Markell carried off in their cars Johnny Smith and Frank Lynn. Their hour was also very early. In a more sedate fashion and at an hour becoming to his dignity, Charley sailed out with Jake and Albert Wampole for Connecticut and points east. Later still Ed Leedy in his White Ford rolled out. Then the Russells and Johnny Gott dashed off for Hew York via Catskill and Goshen, home of the great Gott. Fourteen under supervision of Walter Koppelman took the train at Fort Plain. They were very ritzy with a special Pullman of their own.
It will be good news to our friends to know that the ones who took the diving helmet were at last brought to justice. In the court presided over by the venerable Judge Pickett, Cooper Walter prosecuted Jerry, Jack, Buck, Chuck, Jimmy Truitt, and Andy Turnbull. Dave Brewster and Johnny Gott tried to defend them. The case was upset by confessions on the part of all but Jack Buck. Then came in Dr. Classic with a lie detector which wrought further havoc with the case.The result was a hung jury. Mrs. Russell, lone woman in that body, was a heavy contributor to the verdict. Sheriff Leedy was ably assisted by Constable Wambang. Clerk Sunshine was properly inaudible. It was good fun especially the scientific lie detector.
We took in the movies on Friday night instead of Saturday. The film was the usual set of tricks performed by W. C.Fields. It was sort of funny, as all his things are.
A new basket ball court, which will next year be used as well for badminton, is almost done. It adjoins the new recreation hall. The latter is gaining in popularity.
Last week a virulent epidemic of skunk catching broke out. Before it passed four were caught. After a few days in chancery they were released. During their stay they showed by exemplary conduct how a bad name can be attached to a worthy object.
Able U. L. Bucky Turner was borne away by his parents on Sunday morn.Mr. Turner easily defeated Buck in handicap ping pong during his stay here.
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