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Hyde Bay
This week we enclose a picture of the Hyde Bay Staff. We feel that two ladies, five teachers, tensenior councilors, four junior council members, and one Director form an adequate staff. It is being sent out in order that names might be associated with faces in your minds. Garbo, the dog in the picture, is one of our character-building influences.
As predicted in this canny sheet last week, Hugh O'Donovan arrived from the Adirondacks last Tuesday. He is now deep in the mysteries of the summer school.
It is hoped that we had you all set for a cliche, (if misspelled call it a bromide) in this topic but we switched in time. Producers Exshaw and Lord surpassed all their previous efforts in “I Love Mountain Music". Their success was in no small measure due to the presence in camp this year of very unusual dramatic talent. It is hard to distribute the praise in this play. Bill Brown was a very finished Bella Donna, who tried to get Speedo, the last of the Hill Billies. In spite of her charm she was foiled by the charming Anna Gram, Johnny Burwell. The parents, (of Speedo, of course) Joe Brown and Sandy Howat, took one back to the mountains by the fidelity of their portrayals. Cooper Walker as the smooth New York promoter was painfully effective. The question went around, "Which is the TRUE Walker?" The Meterfield family was most capably set forth by Jim Truitt as a daughter, Jimmy Johnstone, Freddie Allner, and Bobby Pickett, as boys of their own age. A fearful phalanx of reporters brought to the American stage Frank Supplee, Jerry Willse, Bill Callery, and Joe King. A most sinister sheriff proved to be only sunshine Pickett. The hero, last of the hill billies, who barely escapes the Broadway whirlpool, was most ably portrayed by coauthor Lord. He was most convincing. His original song dealing with relative merits, (must I say it?) of spittoons, was most warmly greeted. After prolonged applause, the shy, retiring, producer, Leslie Exshaw, took a hurried Garboesque bow. It was a great play and has set a very high standard for this season. Many of the actors would look very good indeed in any amateur production.
After a career at Hyde Bay in treasure hunts which strongly suggests that of the late William Jennings in Democracy, Lord and Exshaw have won a hunt. When Leslie, obeying the instructions of the last clue with flawless fidelity, dove from the high tower, crowing most convincingly like a rooster, history was made. The hunt was over. It lasted from Friday noon to Sunday afternoon with some time out. The clues taxed the brain with baffling codes, put the
physical stamina to the test with miles of road work, and challenged the bravery of the contestants by climbs, wades, crawls. The treasure proved to be the Univex camera for each boy all provided with a roll of film. After able speeches by the winners the excitement died down.
Cleopatra proved again not up to standard and was taken back to her owner to be replaced by "Queen". This lady could not be caught for two whole days. To our amazement the owner, Harry Dutton of West Winfield, if you must know, appeared here with two authentic cowboys who were encountered passing through this section. One of them roped the recalcitrant at the first try, "I guess, by accident", as he modestly drawled.Queen was led off to be replaced by another spotted pony who has no name. We have yet to learn her foibles.
A new ukase decrees that every boy who rides must take his turn cleaning off and caring for a horse. The system has so far worked well. The camp this year is the least interested in riding of any camp in recent years. It is most interesting to observe the variations in tastes in unregimented groups, of any age.
U. L. Laborers aided and somewhat abetted by transient laborers such as King, Clarke, R. Calleries, etc., are engaged in improving the road leading to camp.First a layer of field stone is pounded in then it is covered by gravel which is dug from a bank up the road a piece.Eventually it will be a speedway (?).
Because we are experimenting with hemlock bark and have none too much courage, the center of the roof on the new hall is of boards, the ends of bark. It looks like a well groomed poodle, so we call it the poodle. It will be wired Monday. It will house as a starter, two tables for pingpong.
Mrs. Charles and Miss Charles were here over the week-end. Mr. Smiley and his family spent Saturday here. Mr. Smiley is admissions officer at Lehigh University.He had interesting talks with a number of boys. His tiny daughter quite captured the camp. Last week we enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Burwell. Sunday four boys from no less a place than Towson were here for a few hours and dinner. Touring the country, they encountered in Cooperstown, fellow townsman, Dick Campbell. Hence a very pleasant visit from them. We really want a few fathers over week-ends. We like to send them back weary and lame to marvel at the endurance of their sons who stand it all the time.
The sub-fourteen team went down to Chenango and brought back a good victory. Fans, Marrian, Welbourn, Young, Lynn, F., and Huidekoper went into Albany Sunday and outraged the burghers of that burgh by cheering the Orioles to two victories over Albany. They were most hospitably entertained by Manager Jack Ogden.
Semper and all the rest that they apply to women in Latin.
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