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Home Letter Volume 42, No. 5, August 05, 1968

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VOLUME 42                  August 5, 1968                         No. 5

WEATHER: Clear, cool, sunny, with a warming trend toward the end of the week. We did have some rain from about lO!30 p.m. Thursday to 6:00 a.m. Friday. This was a nice respite from the rather dry days we have had.

IN—CAMP ACTIVITIES: Swimming slacked off some with emphasis on all boys who had not passed their “D” tests. There was enough calm weather to allow us some aquaplaning and water skiing. Senior Life Savers continued on with their practical and book work under the tutelage of Kelly Sullivan. The riding department began preparation for their Riding Show which will be held, weather permitting, on Sunday, August 18.
The Craft Shop picked up a bit on its customers with the construction of plaster molds for various clay projects and preliminary building of boats for the upcoming Eight-Inch Yacht Regatta.
Baseball, archery, and tennis kept busy preparing for contests with Camp Chenango, our neighboring camp.

TRIPS: This was a week of trips with all the good weather. The first trip to depart was an overnight trek to Beaver Valley – twenty-two boys in all. Councilors Chris West, Charlie Fisher, Ray Athey, and Larry Sager took Peter Callahan, Terry Fisher, Andy Wheeler, Frank Gehring, Tommy Lynn, Doug Plaster, Sandy Pickett, and Blaise deSibour among others.
At about the same time twenty-three in total hiked to Lookout under the guidance of Kelly Sullivan, Bobby Tucker, and Harry Turner. They were joined by Jim Hartwell, Kevin Hanlon, Fred Mondi, Dave Patrick, Lex Dyer, Dave Procter, and Cullen Dwyer as well as other ambitious walkers.
Early the next morning the third Trenton Falls trip departed with McKee Lundberg, Rusty Pickett Fred Gale, Peter Black, and Dave Gotshall leading the group. Ted Mehl, Tim Bennett, Steve Childs, Billy Ewing, George Fulton, Blake Whitcombe and Duncan Kinder accompanied the councilors on this choice trip.
In the late afternoon of the same day George Radcliffe, Stewart Wise, Tom Ratcliff, and Fran Huidekoper left for Lookout with twenty-one boys - many of them ULs. Some of those making the trip were Greg Canham, Ken Earll, Andy Carl, Tom Dodd, Lee Kirby-Smith, John Patrick, Chris Skerritt, and Jimmy Lynn. On Wednesday we attempted to send a small Around—the—Lake trip. However, the wind was so strong out of the south that the trip was forced to paddle to the northern end of the Lake where they had a fine time swimming in the high waves just off the golf course. John Diamond, Kelly Sullivan, and Larry Sager were in charge of the trip and took nine boys with them. Thursday appeared to be a cloudy day which prompted us to send a group of fifteen to the Farmer’s Museum. These were all boys who had never been to the Museum so it was a real treat for them.
In the evening we sent out “Operation Washout” to Nebo. Unfortunately, it was probably the largest number on any one trip thus far this summer and very few survived the night in a dry state. This always provides considerable excitement and adventure to maneuver through an experience in the rain.

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Chris west, Rick Devantier, Peter Mehl, George Radcliffe, Ray Athey took, among others, Michael Hanlon, Ted Max, Peter Stickney, Jim Buley, Emlyn Hughes, Whit Fish, Billy Hall, Todd Galvin, and Mike Wilkins.
There was a total of 110 boys on the ground for the week.

THEATER: We were again entertained by an excellent group of tent plays under the direction of Josh Shoemaker, Jolly Schmick assisted by Skipper Hebb and Harry Turner. The able trio of judges headed by visiting dignitaries John Mercer and John Spragins along with veteran McKee Lundberg elected Jared Bernstein as the outstanding actress and Mike Hilliard as the finest actor. He played an unusual dual role. The best play was from Tent #l. Deidre Hilliard and Ann Davison received special awards for their performances with Tent #1.
On this upcoming Saturday the plays will be presented by Tents #17, 18, and Mouldy City.

ENTERTAINMENT: The planned entertainment for this week was a fine technicolor film starring Alec Guiness entitled “Damn the Defiant.” The usual serial and cartoons were seen on Sunday evening.

ATHLETIC EVENTS: This is truly the only sad event of the week; The twelve-and-over baseball team was again swamped by Chenango, l7-O. The difference in the two teams is with the pitcher on the opposing side.
On Sunday afternoon the intramural league was continued with a water volley ball series. It was terminated with a councilor-UL duel. The counci1 was victorious with a three game to two game 1ead.

INSECTION WINERS: The vote forneatness this Week went to Tents #3and 63A. They went to town after lunch during rest period for their purchase of goodies.

CHURCH SERVICE: The service was led by Alton Davison who gave an inspiring talk on appreciation of material things as well as less tangible or obvious sides of our everyday living. Fred Gale and McKee Lundberg provided the music.

SPECIAL MENTION: must he made of the in—between act entertainment of play night. Fred Gale and McKee Lundberg once more were on their respective instruments and were joined by Steve Johnson on his sax. Jolly Schmick did a “soul” interpretation...John Spragins gave an excellent monologue...Fred Gale and Jolly Schmick had a very humorous skit...and Fran Huidekoper with Marvin King performed a dance routine.

CARDS: It is most important that you return the enclosed card in the very near future. The headings on it are self—explanatory, kindly fill in.

FINAL BARBEQUE: We again repeat our invitation for the Chicken Barbeque on Friday, August 23. We reluctantly must limit it, however, to parents, brothers, sisters, and grandparents of campers. In view of the frequent cool nights, we strongly advise bringing warm clothes and coats. The ceremonies will take place outdoors and last about two hours, and the evening gets chillier as it progresses. A flashlight is also a tremendous help in getting back to your car. The dress is informal - wear what you are comfortable in for sitting outside.

TRAVEL PLANS: We will have a supervised bus and train group from Cooperstown to N.Y. and then southward. We must know how many will be going in this way in order to make various arrangements. The bus will leave here early on Saturday morning, August 24. The times will be given in the next Homeletter.

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