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Home Letter Volume 42, No. 3, July 22, 1968

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VOLUME 42                  July 22, 1968                         No. 3

WEATHER: Extremely hot and humid through Friday noon when we had a small thunder storm that brought on a change to cooler weather. Saturday and Sunday were ideal camp days.

IN-CAMP ACTIVITIES: were slowed down somewhat because of the high humidity and heat. Most campers sought refuge in the water. Skiing and aquaplaning were very popular along with a modified water polo game. There was some activity in the shade of the craft shop. This was the type of week when we were all most grateful for the proximity of the water, All other activities were greatly reduced in attendance.

TRIPS: After breakfast on Monday the first Trenton Falls departed under the able guidance Alton Davison, McKee Lundberg, Chris West, and George Radcliffe. It included campers Jim Thomas, Phil Brown, Jeff Roberts, Charlie Stone, and Jared Bernstein. They were absent from camp for three days exploring the wilds of the Adirondack Park. At 9:30 a.m. the same day Mike Whedbee led a group of equestrians to Beaver Valley for a two—night stay. One group rode the horses from camp to Beaver Valley and another group made the return. trip. The riders involved were Dyche Kinder, Tom Kinder, Cullen Dwyer, Jamie Spragins, Marty Sutton, Mike Dern, and Tom Fisher. While on our 900-acra tract of 1and they made many interesting side trips, returning to their camp site for meals and sleeping. This is the first trip of this kind and will be repeated in the future with different groups of experienced riders. On Monday afternoon Tents 53A and 63A with their councilors Rusty Pickett and Fran Huidekoper made the first Nebo trip of the year. It included their campers Nicky Warner, Arty Hahn, Gordy Boone, Chris Skerritt, Andy Magill, Eric Reid, Paul Mangano, Andy Evans, Bill Dube, and Jonathan Clapp. We suspended trips for the week as of Wednesday due to the heat and the discomfort of sleeping in a sleeping bag. Several, trips were made to Beaver Valley by the ULs to gather hay.

THEATER: We were entertained in the theater on Saturday by still another great set of tent plays. The theater department is certainly doing a grand job of putting together a series of original scripts. The winning actors for the week were Bill Dube and Jamie Spragins. The best actress was Chris Skerritt. Tent #67 was voted by the judging panel as having the outstanding play of the evening. The in-between-act entertainment was enlarged upon by the addition of Larry Sager with his classical guitar and Steve Johnson and his saxaphone. The second year ULs also attempted a novelty act.
There are no tent plays for this coming Saturday because of the changeover of the camp enrollment. The series for August 3 will be given in the next Homeletter.

ENTERTAINMENT: The Wednesday night movie was a fictional story of the Civil War, “Major Dundee” starring Charlton Heston and a cast of hundreds.
On Sunday evening before our usual serial and cartoons, we had an excellent
film on Rescue Breathing. This has become a yearly showing — we feel it is

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very informative. The ULs made their trip to town on Friday for a movie trip instead of bowling.

SPECIAL EVENTS: Early in the week a tame white duck appeared on our shore and has been reposing ever since in the waters in front of the Sore Shoppe seemingly quite content. The owner has been notified of the duck’s whereabouts and if he is not picked up shortly, we will have to take out adoption papers. John Diamond, having completed his summer school work, has joined our staff for the remainder of the summer. John comes from Pittsburgh, Pa. and will be in his senior year at Syracuse University in the fall. He will have a multitude of miscellaneous duties including archery, nature, and golf. A highlight of the week in this particular department was a giant “Wooly Ant” hunt. It was run in the same manner as a “Hare and Hound” chase. Many preliminary incidents conducive to arousing the interest of the campers were carried out and the actual hunt began after rest period on Sunday. This game involved hiking, walking, and running. It was devised by a group of councilors headed by Josh Shoemaker.
The Sunday morning church service was conducted by the Director. His talk was on loyalty and freedom, with the responsibility indicated with the freedom. Fred Gale and McKee Lundberg again provided the musical portion of the service.

ISPECTION WINNERS: The neatest tents this week were Tents #2 and 63B. They made their trek to town for goodies during rest period.

ATHLETIC EVENTS: The twelve-and-under baseball team defeated the team at Chenango by a score of 12—2, Everyone played an excellent game. The news was not as good for the twelve—and—over team which lost to Chenango by a large score.

CORRECTION: We would all be hard pressed to find conditions for any kind of skiing at Trenton Falls as so noted in the supplement of this letter. The statement should read “hiking” instead of “skiing.”

ASSISTANTS TO THE DIRECTOR: This year these two men are of invaluable aid in the running of the camp.
      Alton Davison - from Baltimore, Md. ...in his sixth year as a councilor...teaches English at the high school level in Baltimore...his wife Jo Ann has a busy schedule and household here at camp with daughter Blair, who is fourteen months old, three year old nephew Tribble, and is ably assisted by eight year old daughter, Ann.
      Hunt Hilliard - from Baltimore, Md. ...nine years as a councilor ...teaches math and shop in the Lower School at Gilman...his wife, Wilma and ten year old daughter, Deidre, help to keep check on the laundry and assist with packing all the various tr1ps. Son Michael is a camper in the UL group. Hunt is in charge of the Handicraft program along with his other duties in and around camp.

The mimeographed enclosure for the first month boys is self-explanatory. You are perfectly free to do exactly as you wish regarding it.

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