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Home Letter Volume 39, Council Bios, 1965

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BILL BERGSTROM: from Manlius, N.Y. Fourth year as a councilor. A former camper and UL. Will be a sophomore at Alfred University. Is working in sailing department and taking out many of the overnight trips.

Peter Black - from Sudbury, Mass. A first year councilor after having spent seven years as a camper and UL at Hyde Bay. Attending Rivers Country Day School in Weston, Mass. Working With baseball wrestling, and trips.

John Briggs - from Rochester N.Y. Second year as a councilor; was a former UL. Senior at Harley School in Rochester. Working in the athletic program, mainly in baseball.

Dick Carlton - from Somerville N.J. In his sixth year as a councilor. Wi1l be assisting the Director in a1l the camp activities. He is joined by his wife Ginny who will be tutoring in French and working in our camp store. Susy, who is fourteen years old, is occupied with training their young collie, Smokey, and caring for other Carlton pets. Dick teaches high schoo1 chemistry and biology in Somervi1le High School.

Scott Carlton – from Somerville, N.Y. wi11 be a freshman at Cornell University next fall. Second year as a councilor after several years as a camper and UL. Heads the nature program along with assisting in archery. Inspector.

Ricky Coupe - from Albany N.Y. Attending Albany Academy. A first year councilor after eight years as a camper and UL. Will be assisting in the Theater, baseball, and swimming programs. Is also one of the Inspectors.

Steve Cunningham - from Lutherville, Md. Second year councilor after four years as camper and UL. A senior at Dulaney Senior High School in Lutherville. Assisting in the nature and riding programs.

Alton Davison - from Baltimore, Md. In his third year as a councilor. Teaches English at high school level in Baltimore. His wife, Jo Ann, librarian at Gilman School, has a full time job with five year old daughter Ann. Alton is one of three assistants to the Director, handling many in—camp details.

John Diamond - from Pittsburgh, Pa. A third year councilor, also having been at Hyde Bay for four years as a camper and UL. He will be entering his first year at Syracuse University next fall. Head of the theater department and also will work in archery.

Jamie Flowers - from Houston, Texas. A second year councilor after three years camper and UL. Will be a senior at Phillips Academy Andover, and is head of the tennis department.

Bob Hedley - First year as a councilor at Hyde Bay from Garden City, N.Y. A junior next year at Franklin & Marsha11 College. Heads up the waterfront.

Hunt Hilliard - Six years as a councilor from Baltimore, Md. Teaches math and shop in the lower school at Gilman School. His wife, Wilma, is overseeing the laundry at camp as well as overseeing seven year old daughter, Deidre. Hunt is also one of the three assistants to the Director and is in charge of the handicraft department.

Bill Holaday- from Plainfield, N.J. His first year as a councilor at Hyde Bay. Will be a sophomore at Harvard in the fall, Working in the waterfront department.

Tom Kemp - from Waterville, N.Y. First year as a councilor at Hyde Bay. Will be in complete charge of our riding program, having had very diversified experience working with horses.

Jeff Levi - from Baltimore, Md. First year councilor after two years as a UL. Attends Gilman School in Baltimore. Assisting in our athletic program.

McKee Lundberg - from Pikesville, Md. Second year as a councilor having completed five years as a camper and UL. Wil1 be a sophomore at Cornell in the fall. He joins Bil1 Bergstrom in heading up the sailing program. Is also an Inspector.

John McCay - from Baltimore. Second year as a councilor after two year of UL work. Will be a sophomore at Oberlin College in September. Working on the waterfront and teaching Junior Life Saving along with Senior Life Saving.

Mike McClelland - from Baltimore. First fear councilor after four years as camper and UL. Working with the swimming department, emphasizing water skiing.

John Mercer - from South Byfield, Mass. Fourth year as a councilor after eight years as a camper and UL. Will be a sophomore at Harvard in the fall and is heading up our trip program.

Todd Mulvenny - from Baltimore. Fourth year as a councilor after four years as camper and UL. Entering his second year at Washington College in the fall. Heading up the athletic program and coach of the varsity baseball.

Chip O’Brien - from Princeton, N.J. Second year as a councilor after four years as a camper and UL. Senior at Lawrenceville next fall. Assisting in the baseball and athletic activities.

Tim Pitts - from Baltimore. First year councilor after two years as a UL. Attending Friends School in Baltimore. Working on the waterfront along with wrestling.

Jack Poreba - from New York City. First year as a councilor at Hyde Bay. In his second year at Harvard in the fall. Will be teaching life saving and working on the waterfront.

Bill Schiess - from Syracuse, N.Y. First year as a councilor after four years as camper and UL. Attending Loomis School in Conn. Working in the sailing and riding departments.

Josh Shoemaker - from Baltimore. First year councilor after five years as camper and UL. Attending Gilman School. Assisting in the theater department.

Mr. James Dresser - from Baltimore. Head of the math department at Gilman School in Baltimore. Mr. Dresser has been on our tutoring staff for thirty three years. He lives with his wife and family across the lake high atop a hill overlooking the water.

Mr. Albert O’Brien - from Cooperstown. This is Mr. O’Brien’s first year at Hyde Bay and is doing our English and history tutoring.

Phil Breadel - from Cherry Valley, N.Y. Is in charge of the general maintenance in camp and also works with the ULs. At camp for fourteen years.

Henry Norman­ - from Baltimore. In his thirteenth year as chef at Hyde Bay. He is chef at Episcopal High School in Alexandria, Va. During the winter.

John Stevens - from Washington, D.C. In his fourth year at Hyde Bay. Also works at Episcopal High School during the winter and is assisting Henry in the kitchen and dining room here.

Clarence Brown - from West Virginia. First year at Hyde Bay. Works at Episcopal High School in the winter and is taking care of keeping our dishes clean.

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