Hyde Bay Camp For Boys Home Letter Volume 39, No. 8, August 16, 1965 |
Back to The Lodge HYDE BAY HOME LETTER VOLUME 39 August 16, 1965 No. 8 MONDAY: Hot and humid. Slightly overcast but cooler and clearing in the P.M. The morning was spent continuing with our wind—up events until after milk and cookies. At that time the Howe Caverns trip left with sixty four in the group under the direction of Dick Carlton and Alton Davison. The few that chose to remain in camp had free choice of all the activities and certainly made good use of them. After lunch a small group of boys went to Sunken Islands for the afternoon. Touch football and volleyball were the after supper activities. _______________ Back of Page ______________________ A winner of the bowling trophy was decided during this evening’s rounds. The trophy will be presented at the Final Barbeque. SATURDAY: Cloudy and warm, turning very hot and humid with little or no wind. After milk and cookies the annual Nature Hunt began. This is a voluntary activity. It consists of six boys on a team hunting for various flora and fauna, labeling, and exhibiting it before a panel of judges. Four teams ended up the day with first place going to the team of Randy Ryan, Freddy Reynolds, Ted Mehl, Mike Hilliard, Scott Supplee, and Sandy Pickett. Their reward was two cartons of candy bars. The twelve—and—under baseball team went to Chenango once more and again were the victors, l2-6. This was the final game of the season. More work was put in on the riding show schedule for Sunday and emphasis was placed on the Archery wind—up. Old counci1ors Mac Mellor and Jim Main arrived late the night before but were not seen by many until later this morning. After lunch six canoes were loaded on the canoe trailer and taken to Cooperstown for the annual Cooperstown-to-Camp canoe race participated in by the ULs. There were six crews in all. The canoe piloted by Chooch Turner was the winner in one hour and twenty four minutes - a new record. Jim Stone and Bob Erlandson were Chooch’s able and stalwart assistants. Shortly behind them came Randy Ewell, Steve Hyde, and Billy Lynn. Although this is only the second time that we have run this event, it has been extremely successful. In the evening, in place of our usual tent plays, we had our Sunday night movies - a fine group of Leonard Bernstein in Venice, tarpon fishing, and a film on the Fuller Brush Man. SUNDAY: A very hot and humid day. Preparation for Inspection started right after breakfast with church commencing at 10:00 a.m. As is customary, the Director led the final service. His topic was how and why friends have been made at camp. After Inspection, there was a mass movement for the waterfront. A small group went to the riding ring where they competed in the tacking class. The winners will be announced at the Barbeque. Immediately after lunch the whole camp assembled at the riding ring for the Riding Show. The competition was kept to a minimum due to the heat and sun - but a very good and satisfactory show was demonstrated by Tom Kemp and the riding department. Even the horses showed the effects of the heat and humidity. More swimming in the afternoon after the show and then our outdoor supper and Inspection winner trip for tents # 2 and 4. After the evening store hour we were entertained by magician, Bud Spraker, of Cooperstown. As usual, he was very mystifying and thoroughly enjoyable. His tricks are always challenging. |