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VOLUME 39 August 9, 1965 No. 7
MONDAY: An overcast day with some rain in the morning hours. This prompted us to hold off sending the third Trenton Falls trip. We, instead, concentrated on sending out all the boys who wished to see the Farmer’s Museum. By the end of the afternoon over seventy five percent of the camp had viewed the most interesting collection of rural bui1dings. Between trips the boys spent a great deal of time in the craft shop working on some new leather projects. In the afternoon it was clear enough to allow us to have much activity on the waterfront with aquaplaning and water skiing. The twelve-and-under baseball team ate an early supper and proceded to trounce a Little League team from Cooperstown by a score of 23—1. For those who wished we had an excellent film on Leonard Bernstein in Russia.
TUESDAY: Cloudy and rainy in the early morning but clearing in the forenoon. The Trenton Falls departed shortly after breakfast with Hunt Hilliard, John Mercer, John McCay, Todd Mulvenny and Daryl Young leading the group which included campers Frosty Frost, Larry Sager, Jerry McKenna, Winston Wood, Bob Erlandson, Dick Raymond, John Ford, and Rusty Pickett. Tom Kemp held the first of a series of orientation classes in riding. This is a progression type class with practice in all the various techniques of equestrian activity. Again the craft shop was very active. Today’s specialty was devoted to new methods of handling and molding clay with leaves and pine sprigs as designs. Many others worked on their sailing craft for the upcoming eight-inch Yacht Regatta. Putting their record on the line, the twelve-and-under baseball team again invited a team from Cooperstown which was undefeated to participate in a game. It was a very close one but Hyde Bay came out on top with a 3-2 victory in the last inning. Bill Ebeling scored the winning run having been forced in by a short hit by Jamie Hills. It Was a tense game throughout. Jamie Flowers started his wind-up tennis tournament during the afternoon.
WEDNESDAY: Clear and calm. Some cloudiness in the late afternoon. This was our day to get as many boys out on a camping trip as possible. The total finally reached 64. A group of 3l left shortly after milk and cookies on foot to walk to Mount Nebo, eating their lunch on Lookout and proceding to Nebo for supper and breakfast. The riders included Marty Zoubek, Randy Ryan, and George Shick. In the hiking group were councilors Scotty Carlton, McKee Lundberg, Bill Bergstrom, Tim Pitts, and Steve Cunningham. Their Campers had Peter Callahan, Dusty McCauley, Warren Brown, Tommy Lynn, Doug Master, Robbie Gerlach, Page West, Matt Brock, Sam Spragins, and Bill Thomas as some of the hikers. About 5:00 p.m. Tents # 7, 8, and 6 went with their councilors to a newly established camping spot just beyond the mouth of Shadow Brook. The rest of the camp enjoyed a great deal of waterfront activities. It was a quiet time in camp after supper.
THURSDAY: Clear and cool in the A.M. Hot and sunny in the P.M. The first group of sailing races for the Juniors began in the morning. We are getting started early in order that we will be finished by the end of camp. Most
years we have been sailing the last race on the day of the Barbeque. This was an in-camp activity day. We planned no trips and concentrated on using all
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the camp facilities and getting every one rested up from a night on the ground. By 5:00 everyone was back in camp and we were one family once more. In the evening we had a very fine film, “The Great Locomotive Chase,” starring Fees Parker - a Walt Disney technicolor production of a true Civil War incident.
FRIDAY: A beautiful day!! In the morning all the younger group spent much time on aquaplaning and water skiing. We are attempting to get as many as possible up on the skiis. Sailing races continued in the Junior division and everyone took advantage of the warm weather to just play around in the water. All the campers and councilors were in the water at least once during the course of the day. The Junior Life Savers continued their work. The ULs went to town and bowling after supper, and the Juniors participated in intramural basketball.
SATURDAY: Clear, hot, and humid. One of the hottest days of the summer. Even though no one was moving very fast because of the beat, the twelve-and-under baseball team journeyed to Chenango and again were victorious 17—5. Hyde Bay is still undefeated. The twe1ve-and-over went down in the afternoon and also won l9-5. Ricky Coupe had three home runs to help the cause. In the evening the theater department presented three fine tent plays from
tents # 17, 18, and Mouldy City. Tent # 18’s production of Peter Pan was judged the best play. John Schmick was the outstanding actress of the evening. There was a three way tie for best actor: Fred Gale, Jim Stone, and Steve Hyde.
SUNDAY: We awoke to another hot humid day with intermittent showers. We gathered in the theater for our church service led by Hunt –Hilliard. His topic for the morning was that greatness can exist in all of us and it is God’s purpose for it - the usual very fine talk by Mr. Hilliard. After inspection the morning hours were involved with getting ready the various craft for the Eight inch Yacht Regatta scheduled for the afternoon. Todd Mulvenny was elected by the Council to be our Deputy Commodore for the day in lieu of our regular Commodore, Walter Lord. Dinner was followed by further preparations and the building of the Commodore’s launch. The Registration of boats took p1ace at 3:30 p.m. and all were set, to put in their vessels as the starting gun fired at 5:00 p.m. The skies were overcast and the wind was a bit unpredictable, but the winning boat finally touched shore fifteen minutes and ten seconds after launch time . For the first time in thirty nine years the winning boat came from a country other than these United States. The winning skipper was Warren Brown, a ten year old residenST from Bermuda. After the excitement had subsided we had our outdoor Sunday night supper followed by the Inspection winner trip to Cooperstown by Tents # 3, 8, and 63A. The movies for the evening were the 1963 World Series and other short subjects.
TRAVEL TIMES: for the supervised group to N.Y. and points south are as follows: the group will leave Cooperstown at 8:45 A.M. DST, Friday, Aug. 20 and arrive at Gate 37 in the N.Y. Port Authority Bus Terminal which is located at 8th Avenue and 41st Street at 2:l0 P.M. DST. Those continuing will then board train # 173, the Senator, which leaves from Penn. Station at 3:00 P.M. DSE, arriving in Baltimore at 6:09 P.M. DST and Washington at 6:60 P.M. We will express C.0.D all baggage of boys going on the train and bus.
Please return your Departure Card so we may have the correct information about your son's return home.
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