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Home Letter Vol. 38, After Camp, September, 1964

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VOLUME 38             September, 1964                   After-Camp

MONDAY: A clear day with some overcast. Shortly after breakfast our two baseball teams left for Worcester, N.Y. where we had two games scheduled with the playground department of that town. Unfortunately, both teams came home on the short end of the score - the twelve-and-over was a 2-1 ball game and the twelve-and—under was a 3-2 game. Those remaining at home spent the majority of the day finishing up wind-up events. The semi-finals were run off during the evening hours. Shortly before supper Lawry Pickett, Scott Carlton, Nick King, and John McCay led a large group to Rum Hill for the last overnight trip of the season.

TUESDAY: Fair and warm was the weather. Finishing touches were put on the final bonfire. The ULs spent most of the morning competing on and in their swimming and boating wind-up events. Immediately after lunch the twelve-and-over baseball team went to Cooperstown to play their final game with Camp Chenango on Doubleday Field. They finished up in a blaze of glory with a score of 12-4 in favor of Hyde Bay. The evening hours saw lots of action with consolations in wrestling, the final motor boat test, bowling for those ULs who were still due a trip, and our most recent set of camp movies.

WEDNESDAY: Fair and partly cloudy. This last day of formal activities always seems to be the most active time of the entire, summer. Many last minute endeavors are under way most of the day. The sailing department finally launched the #3168 which had been in dry dock most of the summer. It will surely be in excellent shape to start the 1965 season. Immediately after lunch six crews of ULs were taken to Cooperstown where they were to race in canoes of their choice from the site of Council Rock to the shores of Hyde Bay Camp. The six canoes left Cooperstown at 3:13 P.M., and the first arrival at camp was the team of Ricky Coupe, who was the skipper of the three man team - they arrived at camp at 4:46.15 P.M. in a fiberglass canoe having paddled the eight wile distance. Jim Somerville’s team followed shortly after and Tim Pitts’s crew was third. The day ended with “The Adventures of Robin Hood.”

BARBEQUE DAY: There was threatening rain with a few sprinkles, but it finally cleared up at B-Hour. The morning was occupied by packing trunks, finding lost clothes, showers, polishing shoes, and generally getting ready for the final festivities. Many parents arrived early in the day in time to experience some of the camp activities first hand. At about 6:00 P.M., having been given the word by Chef Dick Carlton that the chicken was ready, we all sat down to a delicious meal. After a few remarks by the Director, the final bonfire was lit and all witnessed a most spectacular sight. Due to Dick Carlton’s ingenious chain arrangement around the poles, the fire remained standing longer than any could remember. We would, once more, like to congratu1ate all those receiving the many awards and especially to Matt Brook who was voted the outstanding camper this season. A very fine evening for all of us!! Many boys left with their parents shortly after the awards. The rest went to bed preparatory to leaving the next day.
FRIDAY: We arose quite early to get the bus and train boys off on time as well as those boys leaving by car with parents that had considerable distance to travel. We were blessed with a good day - at least the first part. This allowed us to have all the tents down and stored in Bohemia before the sprinkles came in the late afternoon. Beds, dock, and tower were tucked away in the Russellorum; rowboats, canoes, kyaks, and Sailfish in the Lodge, Comets in the Theater; and the mattresses joined the tents in Bohemia. Some of the tent platforms are held out for use as shutters over the windows of the various buildings. Most of the camp was put to bed for winter by Friday night and the councilors were free to leave by noon on Saturday.

The Hilliards and Davisons left on Sunday and the Carltons departed on Tuesday. Camp is now completely closed up for the winter. Mother will be moving to her apartment in Cooperstown the middle of October, and we are back in Milton after a short relaxation camping trip to Canada.

REPORTS: The final tutoring reports are included with this letter. We hope that the summer work produced results for this ensuing year.

LOST ARTICLES: All articles of, clothing and equipment that could be identified by name tapes have been sent home to you by parcel post. We are sorry if there are still any missing things, but without identification, we cannot be sure to whom the remaining items belong. Actually, there were very few items left over that were unmarked.

BILLS: Enclosed are the bills for incidental expenditures incurred during the course of the summer by your sons. These will also include adjustments for tutoring plus the unpaid tuition balances. We hope there are no errors; kindly call it to our attention if you feel there are any discrepancies. Your check is your receipt - you do not need to return the bill.

A WORD OF THANKS: Thank you very much for a most pleasant summer. Without your sons participation in our type of program, we, obviously, would not have as successful summers as we have been fortunate enough to experience. The Council did their usual great job and the whole operation went as smoothly as we could possibly have asked for. As has been our policy in the past, We would like to hear of all your complaints as well as the good things you felt about camp. We will give serious thought to all such comment. Some we can remedy and others we cannot.

A LOOK TO 1965: Plans for next year have already begun. A healthy number of parents and boys have already verbally signified their intentions for returning next year. In fact, we have just recieved our first “new boy” Registration for 1965. Two boys have requested positions in our UL program. During the early part of February we will be sending you out the official for you to designate your specific plans for 1965.

Our Christmas Letter will be sent to you early in December.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: We would kindly ask you to address all correspondence from now until June 1, 1965 to:

              Mr. Robert A. Pickett
              225 Central Avenue
              Milton, Massachusetts , 02187

Our telephone number is:        Code 617 696-2669

We would be pleased to see you or hear from you at any time during the winter months. If any of you are in the Boston area, please feel free to call. Again, all the Picketts join together in wishing you and your families a most pleasant fall, winter, and spring.

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