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Home Letter Volume 38, No. 8, August 10, 1964

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VOLUME 38             August 10, 1964                   No. 8

MONDAY: Cloudy and cool with a stiff southwesterly wind in the morning. Partly cloudy with some sun in the late afternoon. The morning was involved in preparations for about half of the camp to journey to Howe Caverns. They traveled in various pars - taxi and camp vehicles - about 11:00 a.m. to this very interesting series of underground caverns. Those remaining in camp were occupied by various wind—up events. The Senior sailing eliminations were run off in fast order due to the strong wind. Tents # 1 and 3 went to the Willows for a hamburg supper. The 12-and-over baseball team motored to Cooperstown to play a similar team on the renowned Doubleday Field. They took their supper with them, ate early at Fairy Springs, and then proceded to the field for an early warm—up before game time at 6:00 p.m. Among those playing in this game were Bruce Rice, Peter Mehl, Dick Howland, Bill Somerville, Buzz Follmer, Chub Bailly, and Mike Bennett, The final score was 8-3 in favor of Hyde Bay.

TUESDAY: Warm, breezy, and hazy. Senior sailing races were run off all day. The semi-finals of most of the tennis tournaments were completed. The 9:00 and 9:15 tents had their wind—up swimming events. Those competing in the water skiing spent a great deal of the day behind the Hacker. Little Bohemia, our craft shop, was crowded in preparation for the upcoming 8-inch Yacht Regatta. At 4:30 a small group of twelve left in search of the Beaver Dam. This was an overnight trip in order to allow the boys to arise early and catch the beavers at work. As things turned out, there was shard rain the following morning at the desired observation time, and beavers are no more eager to come out in the rain than people are!! Andy Richardson and Fran Huidekoper were two of the crew on this trip.

REGATTA DAY: Rain and warm with a heavy overcast. The long awaited rain came about three o’clock in the afternoon for a very short hour. Finishing touches were put on the sailing craft for the afternoon race. After lunch sixty boats were registered with the Regatta officials. The Deputy Commodore for this year was John McCay in lieu of our permanent Commodore, Walter Lord. Business engagements prevented him from participating in the 1964 race. The Regatta is an event in which the boys make a boat of not more than eight inches in any direction with any type of sail and design they desire. These are all released in the water at a predetermined spot and the first one to reach the shore is the winner. Many forms of derelict boats transported the sailors to the starting line. The winner this year was The Tipsy Squire, II, owned and skippered by Captain Tenny Sener. Dave Gotshall was second with his Kon-Leaky. This big day was given a grand finale with the showing of the exciting movie, ‘Mr. 88o.”

THURSDAY: Cold, blustery, and cloudy. This weather was ideal for us to send many Museum trips. Shortly after inspection we began to shuttle boys to and from the Baseball and Farmer’s Museums. The morning UL work involved gathering the first load of fire wood for the final bonfire, which we light the Barbeque night and present the awards and trophies under its light. The

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Senior sailors went by land to the Cooperstown Country Club to compete in races using the Club’s Turnabouts. We lost the races but sailed extremely well in the strange boats. Because of rather cold and inclement weather we had the Sunday evening movies this night after supper and store.

Friday: Cold and blustery once more. Ina the morning the finals of the Senior sailing races began. After completion of one race they had to cease because of heavy seas. Interest then turned to the first round of the wrestling tournament and the second flight of the archery tournament. After lunch the championship game in the “B” Football league was run off the the “Rubies” winning the league for the season. The four o1det UL tents spent most of the day practicing for their Saturday night play. The UL trip to bowling departed about 7:30 p.m. Chris West was the winner of the evening in the Junior division and Jim Somerville was high scorer for the Seniors.

SATURDAY: Windy, cool, slight cloud cover. The inspection period consisted mostly of gathering a second batch of soiled laundry for this week. These both will be returned next Wednesday in time for trunk packing. We hope for a minimum of soiled clothes for mothers to have to wash on their offspring’s arrival home. The 12-and-under basebal1 team won an easy victory at Chenango. The score was 20-6, highlighted by a tremendous home run by Mike McQuilkin. In the afternoon. we held the annual Councilor Baseball Contest. One team is made up of the 12-and-over baseball group and the other consists of the council and staff. After a shaky beginning with the Director on the mound, councilors finally emerged the victors, 6-4. Todd Mulvenny came to the rescue, and he and Glenn Moulton finished out the game in the pitching department. Three of the runs were scored by the “Old Guard” — all of which are over 4o years of age. In the evening we were treated to the UL plays. This year we combined Tents # 16, 17, and l8, and they competed with Mouldy City for the honors of the evening. In the eyes of the judges, Mouldy City gave the better presentation for their take—off on the recent movie, “The Pink Panther.” Due to the scarcity of female rolls, we again awarded two best actor prizes — one to John Ford and the other to Peter Black. Both these boys had accents to carry through on in their scripts and did a fine job.

SUNDAY: A beautiful day!! A brief inspection preceded the church service led in the traditional manner of final-Sunday service by the Director. He ended the summer talks with thoughts on following directions, and ways in which we all can carry through into our winter living the things we hope all have learned here at camp. Many wind-up swimming and boating events were run off in the morning, taking advantage of the very bright and welcome sunshine. The annual Riding Show was held in the afternoon. There are several classes in the show and the various trophies and awards will be presented at the final Barbeque. Tents # 9 and 11 were the Inspection winners for the week and had their trip into town. Thiss was followed by a very fine Magical Show in the evening. The magician is local man whom we have had for several years and he never ceases to confuse us all with his repertoire of tricks.

We wi11 be sending out another Homeletter in September with the incidental bills your sons have accumulated during their stay at camp.

Thank you all for your checks and kind words. We have enjoyed having your sons with us this summer and hope that they, in turn, have enjoyed themselves enough to depart from Hyde Bay with pleasant memories and a desire
to return next year.

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