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Home Letter Volume 37, No. 4, July 30, 1963

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VOLUME 37             July 30, 1963                   No. 4

MONDAY: We awoke to a sunny and clear day, only to have a rather exciting electrical storm in the afternoon. Fortunately, all but five boys (plus the Trenton Falls group) were in the immediate vicinity of camp and those five were able to take cover elsewhere. In the morning, the second Trenton Palls trip departed under the guidance of Alton Davison, Doug Coupe, John Mercer, Bill Rowland, and Bob Cunningham. These trippers were not exposed to the storm, so we had no concern for them. With the sunny weather in the morning, we were able to get in considerable swimming. The other camp activities continued on until late afternoon, when the thunder, lightning, and lots of hail stones appeared. A scheduled baseball game was cancelled because of the rain, and we ended the day with a full camp Bingo Game, complete with candy prizes. This is very popular on any night, and especially on a rainy one!

TUESDAY: Cloudy, cool, and clearing in the afternoon. There was enough breeze for the Sailfish to be out in the Bay most all day. A trip to Chenango highlighted the afternoon for a twelve-and-under soft ball game. The score ended in our favor, 6-4. We would like to feel that Hyde Bay is improving since we had lost the last two encounters. Shortly before supper, two tents of campers with their councilors went for an overnight trip to the Willows, the first of many that we hope to send out in the ensuing weeks. The rest of .the camp enjoyed a night swim and then to bed.

ICE CREAM DAY: Calm, clear day with the temperature in the high eighties. According to one of the skippers, we drifted one race in the morning and raced two races after lunch. This was the report from the sailors concerning the Comet races with Chenango. At the finish of the contest, the score was definitely in favor of Hyde Bay. Once more, the warm weather brought on much water skiing and aquaplaning. Achery also was well populated. Lawry Pickett and John Diamond took a small group on a hike to catch frogs at a nearby pond. After an early supper the twelve-and-over baseball team went to Cooperstown to play an All-Star team on the renowned Doubleday Field. They returned home boasting a 2-1 victory. The entire camp then enjoyed the movie "Underwater," starring Jane Russell.

THURSDAY: Clear, sunny, and hot and humid. Immediately after breakfast, the tennis team took off for the Cooperstown Country Club to meet the Club members. Although we lost, the scores were close enough to warrant a return engagement soon. A light breeze brought the sailboats out, and the sun brought all kinds of water activity---swimming, games, skiing, and aquaplaning. About five-thirty, two more tents left by rowboat for the Willows for an overnight supper and breakfast trip. After supper, a large game of Capture the Flag kept everyone busy and was finally by another night swim.

FRIDAY: A carbon copy of the previous day, weatherwise. This hot humid weather is most unusual for Cooperstown, so we are all well aware of it when it lasts more than one or two days. This was our changeover day; and, following our usual practice, camp activities continued on in their routine sort of manner. Another Susquehanna trip departed with Lawry Pickett, Bob Cunningham, and Eric Murray as the leaders. These councilors did not have new boys coming into their tents, so were free to leave the camp for a trip. . The morning was spent preparing boys for departure as well as receiving new ones. Most of our incoming boys did not arrive until after lunch which facilitated the change greatly. Again this second month, we are completely filled with no vacancies. We are pleased to tell you this and would hope that this indicates that your youngsters have had and will have a good time at Hyde Bay. We certainly are more than happy to continue our efforts to that end. At four o'clock a large group left for Rum Hill for an overnight stay, led by Doug Coupe and Chug Pierce. There was also another Willows trip down around the bend in the Lake. This turned out to be the largest group out "on the ground" to date, thus allowing us to become better acquainted with our new campers. Everyone was ready for bed this night!!

SATURDAY: Sunny and hot, once more, with high humidity. This type of day was ideal for getting lots of swimming tests accomplished on the newcomers. The veteran campers simply went swimming en masse to stay cool. There were several sets of parents and other visitors that arrived to see their respective boys during the course of the day. We didn't plan much heavy activity today because of the high temperatures--just simply used the water in all its versatility for action purposes. The Comets and Sailfish were out about all day long, riding was done in the morning, and general getting acquainted took up the in-between times. In the evening, a local magician entertained us with a very fascinating show. We are always bewildered and entranced at what he can do with his various types of equipment.

SUNDAY: A repeat of the sunny, hot, and humid day of yesterday. Our morning routine of cleaning up inside, outside, and all side was done at a somewhat slower pace because of the heat. Church service was conducted by Mr. Downs, whom we always look forward to hearing. He not only has a particular message to give us but always has an unusual manner of presenting it. Today's talk was on "Names" and their significance. He interpreted many of the camper's names and then brought in Biblical references with emphasis on maintaining our good name. Early in the morning, a group of riders headed by Bob Rockwell, Ricky Reese, and. Peter Kinder, went to nearby Fiddlestick Farm to participate in and watch a horse show. Tom Ratcliff placed second in twelve-and-under equitation. Steve Hyde received a third, Billy Reid took a fourth, Jimmy Erdle took fifth in walk-trot, Tom Carter had a sixth, and Jerry McKenna received a fourth in walk-trot-canter. All in.all, a very fine showing for Hyde Bay. In the afternoon we had a greased watermelon battle in the water. Great fun and lots of action. The.water activity ended with a tug-of-war between the councilors and ULs and.a victory for the former group. After outdoor supper, Tents # 8 and 5 went to Cooperstown as Inspection winners. When they returned, the movies started, and then all to bed.

AN EARLY REMINDER: that our final Barbeque festivities take place on Thursday, August 22 at about 6:00 p.m. It would be wise for you to ask us to make reservations for you as soon as your plans are definite. In your plans, we might mention that you may take your sons with you on Thursday night after the bonfire, which should be about 10:00 p.m., if you so wish. Most of the boys will be going on Friday, August 23 shortly after our breakfast at 7:20 a.m. The awards for the various wind-up events and other trophies are all given at the bonfire after the Barbeque and we would hope that none of you will wish to take your sons with you until after the program. More data will come in the subsequent Homeletters. Please do not leave your reservations until the last minute--you may end up without one.
BILLS: are going out this week covering the full second month tuition for the second month boys and the remainder of the tuition for the full summer boys. The tutoring for the second half will be an estimate for the last four weeks; any tutoring adjustment will be made on the final incidental bill, which is sent out after camp is over.

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