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Home Letter Volume 37, No. 3, 1963

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VOLUME 37                                               No. 3

MONDAY: Mild, cloudy, with strong winds today. The first of a series of three Trenton Falls trips departed under the command of Hunt Hilllard, assisted by Tom Mercer, Chuck Pierce, John Young, and Bill Bergstrom. Twenty three in all made the trip, which is for three days up into the picturesque Adirondack woods and gorges. This trip is reserved for twelve and over boys who are here for a full summer and who have fulfilled their Junior Life Saving requirements. After this trip was finally on its way, the rest of the camp enjoyed all the camp activities. The Comets were kept at anchor due to the very heavy wind, but many took part in the Sailfish sailing. At about five o'clock we sent out another Lookout trip with twenty six persons involved. McKee Lundberg, Eric Murray, and Daryl Young were the leaders. Our first and, we hope, our only major accident of the season occurred this evening when David Pickett suffered a fractured ankle. He was admitted to the hospital so that adequate observation and proper therapy could be effected. A full leg cast was applied on Thursday and it was deemed advisable by all concerned that he return to his home in Pennsylvania on Saturday with his mother.

TUESDAY: We awoke to a warm and windy but clear day. Since there were no trips scheduled to go out until late afternoon, most everyone enjoyed sailing, archery, handicrafts, water skiing, and swimming a good portion of the day. Many boys have joined our water skiing classes given by Bob Cunningham and have made good progress in maintaining their balance for a successful ride. In the afternoon, the second Lookout of the week departed under the guidance of Doug Coupe, Ron Jones, and Charlie Tracy. After supper swimming was once more a treat for the campers due to the warm and humid evening.

MOVIE DAY: Perfect weather!! A slight breeze! Early In the morning Bob Rockwell and some riders rode to Lookout to join the campers for an outdoor breakfast. Since this is our movie night, we attempt to have all trips . return and to send none out. The light breeze made for good sailing, much water skiing and aquaplaning, along with good swimming. Trenton Falls trippers reported a very fine trip--this is always very popular with both the boys and the councilors. The movie was "Men of the Fighting Lady" in color with Van Johnson--a fast moving war picture.

THURSDAY: Weather was hot and sunny--a good sailing breeze with a short shower in the afternoon. Lots of swimming, of course, with this kind of day. We were able to have sailing races both in the morning and afternoon. Once again, the water skiis saw tremendous usage in all phases of the sport---regular, slalom, and double. The aquaplane also carried lots of riders. At four thirty, Doug Coupe along with Tom Mercer, John Mercer, and John Diamond went out with eighteen boys to Nebo for the night. The night games after supper were the ever popular "Capture the Flag" and THE Kennedy sport. Swimming finished up the day for the rest of-those remaining in camp.

FRIDAY: Sunny and warm, changing to light rain in the afternoon. All the usual camp activities were going full strength all morning. They had to be somewhat curtailed in the afternoon because of the rain, although it was a warm rain, which doesn't really bother us too much. In the morning, a double Natty Bumpo trip went down the Lake in the Hacker for a lunch trip and combined exploration of Natty Bumpo's Cave. Hunt Hilllard navigated the Hacker and Frank Pine and McKee Lundberg assisted with the other adventures. A scheduled baseball game in Cooperstown was cancelled because of rain. In its place, we again had a massive touch football game after supper.

PLAY DAY: Overcast and threatened rain, but clearing in the late afternoon. In the morning we started a week-long archery tournament for campers. The winner will be announced at the end of next week. Although the weather, was threatening, Chenango came up for twelve-and-over baseball right after our noon meal. The game was held up several times by intermittent rain, but we finally emerged with a victorious Hyde Bay score of 6-5. The eclipse, of course, eclipsed all other activities of the day. It was cloudy and rainy, right up to within about a half an hour of the maximum eclipse. Then the sun peeked through and we were able to get some very definite reflections on white paper through pin holes and several pairs of binoculars that wore circulating around camp. We feel very certain that there were no loopholes in our supervision of your youngster's eyes. All were most cooperative, full of questions, and we went into supper shortly offer the maximum time. An extremely fascinating experience for us all!! The youngest campers were our hosts at the theater this evening. Tent #53A was judged to have the best play so far as continuity of thought, audience response, and camper participation was concerned. Chris Smith, portraying Dr. Kildare, was given the award for best actor. No best actress was involved in the plays in the camper ranks, but honorable mention awards to councilors Lawry Pickett, Eric Murray, and Daryl Young as supporting actresses were presented. In-betwcen-act entertainment was provided by Pope Brock, John Schmick, and Neal Cavanaugh. We also neglected to mention in last week's letter that Mac Mellor, former member of the theater department, helped us most ably with the music between plays a week ago. He was visiting for the weekend and we were most grateful for his assistance.

SUNDAY: Once more, the morning was taken up with getting generally cleaned up. As the summer progresses this takes more and more time on the boy's part as well as the councilor's. Clean laundry is given out and soiled is collected, listed, and taken to the laundry shed for Monday collection. The one month boys have not sent their laundry this week, since it would not be returned in time for them to pack it. Therefore, they will be coning home with more soiled laundry than we like to send with them; but, there is no alternative. Church service was conducted by Alton Davison who talked to us most pleasantly and seriously on nature in camp and God in nature. After dinner, we had great water activity with water baseball, swimming team trials, and a massive tug-of-war between the councilors and ULs. The Unskilled Labor contingent was victorious primarily due to their overpowering numbers. The councilors later defeated the ULs in a modified water polo game. Our outdoor hot dog supper was followed by a trip to town for the Inspection winners, Tents #4 and #53B, and then general camp movies for all on "Admirals in the Making," "Transportation on Our Country's Rivers," and "African Tribal Dances."

There will be no Plays this coming Saturday. This is changeover week and there is not sufficient time to get things organized. Instead, we are planning on having a very magic magician come into camp and give us his usual good show. However, the following week, August 3, Tents #3, 4, 5, 12, and #63B will be giving plays. Tent #63B has already given one play, but there will be a completely new group of boys in it the second half--thus, the repetition.

We wish to thank you for your prompt remittance of the tuition bills.

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