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Home Letter Volume 36, No. 7, August 13, 1962

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Hyde Bay Home Letter

VOLUME 36                 August 13, 1962                 No. 7

MONDAY: We awoke to a very misty and foggy but warm morning. Lawry Pickett and Bill Bergstrom took a group of boys to Sunken Islands on a sunken treasure hunt. Stones were wrapped in aluminum foil and hidden in and around the rocks under the surface of the water. Many were found and lots of fun was had by all. Another Trenton Falls trip also left after breakfast with Hunt Hilliard and Tom Mercer guiding nine boys. After lunch our senior baseball team had a second game with Chenango which we won 18-1. About five o'clock the four youngest tents in camp, under the leadership of their councilors, Chuck Pierce, Jim High, Charlie Tracy, and John Young, boarded our various vehicles and headed for Mount Nebo for an overnight stay. Doug Coupe and Jock McQuilkin took their tents to the Willows for a night on the ground, which ultimately turned out to be rather wet.
AUGUST 7: Cool and rainy, the rain having started during the wee early morning hours. Because of the rain, the Nebo group was picked up a little earlier than usual. All took showers on their return and were none the worse for the moisture. The Willows company also paddled back considerably more wet but were soon dried and in good shape. After lunch Barc Feather and Chuck Pierce took the bus and Rover filled with five tents of boys to the nearby bowling alley. Another group under the leadership of Perry Winston visited the Baseball Hall of Fame. The Trenton Falls trip returned in the late afternoon, having also experienced a wet time. The weather cleared sufficiently to permit us to give many Hacker rides. After dark we viewed the 1961 World Series pictures on film in the theater.
WEDNESDAY: Cloudy early, then clearing and windy. The wind, of course, gave us plenty of sailing throughout the day. We sent the two youngest tents to the Indian Museum in the morning along with a Farmer's Museum trip for those who had not yet been there. Many projects got started in the Handicraft Lodge during the course of the day. In the afternoon, our junior baseball team split a double header in softball with Chenango, winning the first game 15-5 and losing the nightcap 11-7. In the evening we were entertained by the movie "Conquest of Space," a propos to our times.
THURSDAY: A miserable day--overcast, drizzle, damp, and all other things in the same vein! We still were able to send two Woodland Museum trips by way of the water in the now fast moving Hacker. Chuck Pierce took three boys to the golf course to enjoy a few holes of golf before the rain forced them off the course. After, lunch we had a coon and hound chase despite the few short sprinkles. About fifteen campers were coons and led the rest. of the camp on a merry chase of the hounds for the better part of the day. Most of the coons had been caught by supper time. Immediately after supper the UL tents made a trip to Cooperstown to see the African movie, "Hatari." The rest of the camp assembled in the dining room for a mammoth Bingo game complete with many prizes. This continued until 10:00 p.m. when most all the participants retired.
FRIDAY: Another miserable camp day weather wise. In the morning we began our wrestling competition for the final wind-up events. Much activity took place in the Handicraft Lodge. There was also a goodly number of campers around the fire in the lodge reading, visiting, singing, and others playing shuffleboard. After lunch Doug Coupe and Hunt Hllliard took tents #6, 7, 8, 11, 53B, and 9 for an afternoon of bowling. The scores were low but the enjoyment high. A Farmer's Museum trip went out with Todd Mulvenny as the leader of about seventeen boys. After supper Tents # 12, 14, 15, and 16 went to town to see "Hatari." The remainder of the camp retired to the tune of the sprinkles on the roofs and tents.
SATURDAY: Cold with a heavy fog that finally cleared in the afternoon. Shortly after breakfast the annual Hyde Bay Nature Hunt began. Nine teams of five boys each were formed and all set out in search of various forms of animal and plant life-later to be judged by a distinguised committee headed by Dick Carlton. The first and second place winners in the junior and senior groups were as follows:

Juniors first--


Seniors first--

Held Stanton
Tucker, R. Posner
McKenna Brooks

Juniors second-


Seniors second-

Pickett, R.
Pickett, S. Davis, Bob
Feather Fisher
Considine Gale
Ryan Hyde

In addition to these there were also 3rd, 4th, and 5th place winners depending on their total point scores. More preliminary wrestling matches were run off during the course of the afternoon. The final shuffleboard tournament also began as well as the wind-up rounds of horse shoes. The day ended with a very fine group of tent plays in the evening. Tent # 17 who also had Bruce Danzer, Pete Mehl, and Fred Aiken in its cast walked off with the unanimous vote of the judges as the best play. Mac Barrett was the best actor and Jamie Flowers was the outstanding actress. We had another guest accompanist for our between-play community singing. Mac Mellor paid us a visit and was most welcome to our evening's entertainment. He was assisted very ably on our last song by Mike McQuilkln.
SUNDAY: This was the first bright sunshiny day we have had in several days. A most welcome sight and a perfect camp day in every respect, We were able to get the tent flaps rolled up and the tents aired out along with the usual Sunday chores of laundry, showers, inspection, etc. Church was conducted by Hunt Hilliard who talked to us on the selection of our life work and to the end that it should be something that we truly enjoy and can contribute something to others as well as being a means of income. Many rounds of water skiing were enjoyed in the afternoon as well as swimming. Junior wind-up races for sailing were commenced; shuffleboard and horse shoes continued. All told we just simply enjoyed basking and playing in the sunshine. After our outdoor supper Tents # 1 and 5 went to town for the Inspection trip. Due to a breakdown of the movie projector the regular educational movies had to be postponed and last year's camp movies shown as a substitute. These are run on eight millimeter instead of sixteen millimeter.
TRAVEL TIMES: for the supervised group to N.Y. and points south are thusly: The group will leave Cooperstown at 8:45 a.m. Friday, August 24 and arrive in the N.Y. Port Authority Bus Terminal (located at 8th Avenue and 4lst Street) at 2:05 P.m. D.S.T. The group will then board the 3:00 p.m. train # 149 (the afternoon Keystone) which arrives in Baltimore at 6:09 p.m. D.S.T. and Washlngton at 5:50 p.m. Unless we are notified to the contrary, we will express C.0.D. all baggage of the boys going by bus and train.
PLEASE return your cards as soon as possible. There is no more room at Rathbun's or the Cooper Inn for the 23rd of August. There are other places which we can probably help you out with if you wish us to so far as overnight accommodations are concerned.


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