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VOLUME 36 July 9, 1962 No. 2
A WORD OF EXPLANATION: This Homeletter will include the councilor reports as well as the tutoring reports and first month bills. If you wish us to send the tutoring reports to the respective schools of your sons kindly let us know and we will be glad to do so.
WEATHER: Since the weather has been very much on the static side, we will not give you a day to day report, We simply have had very nearly perfect camp weather-lots of sunshine, considerable sailing wind, and many hours of good swimming. It would almost seem that we have reached the sunshine saturation point--a little rain would be .quite welcome'.
MONDAY: The first Susquehanna trip, led by Commander Doug Coupe ably assisted by Jock McQuilkin and Lawry Pickett, set sail down the river. What with the very dry spring, the optimism of enough water in the river to paddle in was somewhat questionable. This trip consists of a nine-mile auto ride to a point on the Susquehanna River where we launch the canoes. From there, the voyagers paddle about seventeen miles down the river to an overnight camping spot. After breakfast the next morning, the boys are picked up and returned to camp. Late in the afternoon, the initial Lookout trip guided by Tom Mercer, Bob Cunningham and John Young headed up the hill in back of camp. The boys hike up, cook their supper and breakfast, and then hike back to camp the next morning. The food is taken up in the truck and left on a plateau area overlooking our end of the lake. Bob Rockwell had his horses out of the ring and away from camp for a short road trip. A very active beginning to a busy week.
JULY 3: In the morning, before milk and cookies, Susquehanna #1 returned, reporting enough water for paddling purposes and a good time by all. The hikers also joined us in fine comic marching order down from the hill in time for our mid-morning snack. In the, afternoon, the Hacker, our inboard motorboat, was finally convinced to run which enabled us to have aquaplaning for the younger campers as well as water skiing for those of more advanced abilities. Shortly before supper, Betty's father and mother drove in from Boston with another Sailfish to add to our fleet. We now have four in almost constant use on windy days. Another Lookout trip left to investigate the wilds of the mountain to the rear of camp. Perry Winston, Walter Rogers, and Jim High led this expedition. The rest of the camp participated in a big campus game.
BOOM-BOOM DAY: We began this notable day with the first Up-the-Lake trip skippered by Dick Carlton, Chuck Pierce, and Bob Pine. The canoes and campers are driven to Cooperstown and return to camp by paddling their way back up the opposite side of Otsego Lake--a full day's trip. The second Lookout trip returned boasting a successful star-gazing night. The intra-camp softball league started in full swing during the afternoon. This league has been entitled the "Vegetable League" with such teams as the Artichokes defeating the Field Peas, 5-2. Immediately after dinner, the daylight fireworks brought to camp by campers were ignited with great excitement. The entire camp adjourned to the theater for our regular Wednesday evening movie. This one was called "Home Sweet Homoclde." After the cinema, we assembled on the "beach for sparklers and roasted marshmallows All retired with a feeling of having celebrated this day in good fashion.
THURSDAY: Shortly after breakfast, the second Susquehanna trip embarked under the command of trip councilor Doug Coupe with Hossein Kazemi and Todd Mulvenny, as assistants. The remainder of the day was occupied with all of the various camp activities--a somewhat quieter day after a busy Fourth.
FRIDAY: There seemed to be enough wind for sailing, so sailing there was. Trips to Sunken Island went out most of the morning and afternoon. Sunken Island is a rock formation just under the water at the northern end of our lake where Hutter built his cabin, according to Cooper's Leatherstocking Tales. The boys are able to swim with masks on in and around the ledge. Hunt Hilliard, along with Charlie Tracy and Bill Howland, began a hike to Natty Bumpo's Cave which is just this side of Cooperstown. This is also talked about in the Leatherstocking Tales. The hikers had a picnic lunch and returned to camp in Time for supper and without too many blisters. In the evening, the ULs made their weekly trip to the nearby bowling alley under Mouldy s supervision. The rest of the camp engaged in an all-camp-after-supper game.
PLAY DAY: The inauguration of the "Snow Gulch" trips began this morning under the guidance of Dick Carlton. This is an area of large rock crevices in which snow remains at the bottom about all year long. Although the morning trip found none, the afternoon excursion discovered some in another spot. In the afternoon, the first game of the "Subway Series" of baseball games took place. The Mets defeated the Yankees, 11-6. Curtain time was at 8:50 p.m. for our first set of Off-Broadway Plays. After much deliberation by the forum of judges, Tent #3 was awarded the box of chocolate bars for the outstanding play. The best actor award went to Steve Hyde and Rusty Pickett was selected the best actress. A fine set of plays under the direction of John Mercer and Jerry Downs.
SUNDAY: Weekly trunk inspection began our morning chores. Mr. Carlton led our church service at 10:00 a.m. His talk on compassion and its relation to camp living was well worth listening to. The weekly showers and collection of laundry consumed most of the rest of the morning. In the afternoon, all tents participated in water basketball. Tents # 53A and # 3 were the inspection winners for the week-the award being a trip to Cooperstown after our outdoor supper. The usual Sunday evening educational films finished the day.
SECOND-MQNTH B0YS: will find the necessary card, health blanks, stickers, etc. enclosed to be filled out and returned to us as soon as possible. The last four-week period starts on Friday, July 27 and ends August 24, with the final barbeque festivities on August 25. The CARD is the most important of the enclosures; please return it promptly so that we may make the proper tent arrangements.
VISITORS: During this past week, we have had several former councilors and campers who returned to pass their judgment on the opening week of camp. Among those distinguished visitors were Mac Mellor, of the theater and tennis departments; Phil Schwarts, of the theater department; and junior councilors of last year, Peter and David McManus. It is always, refreshing to have this continued interest in Hyde Bay.
The tent plays for this week will be from Tents # 11, 12, 14, and 15. We will be glad to have any parents or relatives view these performances which start at 8:50 p.m. on Saturday.
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