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Home Letter 1961 Hyde Bay Staff

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Hyde Bay Staff (1961)

To care for your boys we have sixteen senior councilors supplemented by nine councilors—in—training. There are only two of this group new to Hyde Bay. Our head councilor of many years “Chiefie” George Chandlee is finishing up his course of study towards his Master’s degree in Mathematics at Louisianna State University in Baton Rouge. In lieu of his and Mrs. Chandlee’s presence, Betty and I and Mother are filling the gap.
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton  are returning for their third year along with Scott, a UL and Susan. Mrs. Carlton wil1 be the storekeeper and the laundry lady. Dick is a Jack—of—all—trades and very capable in each. He teaches the sciences at Brodgewater—Raritan High School in Raritan, N.J.
Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard start their second season at Hyde Bay along with their children Mike and Deidre. Hunt will again head up our crafts program along with assisting the Director. he spends his winters teaching at Gilman School in Baltimore.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parker are spending their first summer at Hyde Bay along with 8 1/2 months old George. Harry is in charge of our swimming program and Eleanor is working with the tutoring department. Harry is also Freshman Crew coach at Harvard University.
Mac Mellor, Jim Main and Ned Atwater of Princeton, Dennison, and Pingry School respectively will handle the dramatic work in camp. Mac is also in charge of our tennis program, ably assisted by Perry Winston of Binghamton, N.Y.
Warren Hills has come from Princeton after several years absence from Hyde Bay to assist Harry Parker in swimming.
Sherm Murphy returns after a brief period in the Army to head up the sailing program and to take charge of some of our trips. He will enter the U. of Vermont in the fail.
Frank Pine of Kenyon University in Ohio continues his many years here, interesting many boys in the nature about us.
Doug Coupe of Albany. N.Y. will again handle the baseball team and handle many of the trips.
Dick McCaffery of Harvard University is new to Hyde Bay and will put the horses and their riders through their paces, assisted by councilors—in-training Peter McManus and Bob Cunningham of Baltimore and Rochester respectively.
Allen Spalding of Park School in Buffalo and Dave Wilber from Valley Farge Military Academy assist Sherm in teaching our sailors.
Tom Mercer, entering Harvard in the fall, and Jock McQuilkin, entering Hobart College will he coaching our JV. and softball baseball teams.
Tom Gilmore from Andover Academy Is training future wrestlers and is in charge of our youngest group of campers.
Dick Koppisch, entering Cornell University, will be helping in sailing and swimming.
Fred Allen from Rochester is our councilor—in-charge of Otsego Lake fisheries.
Charlie Burnham of Rochester is Mr. Hilliard’s able assistant in the handicraft department.
By Johnson is learning the tricks of the trade of the trips.
David McManus from Baltimore and Walt Rogers from Syracuse have each brought their own “sailfish” to camp aand will instruct the campers in the handling of same.

We feel we have a most capable and mature staff to work with and take car of our boys this summer. We hope you will agree with us at the end of the summer.


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