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Home Letter Vol. 34, After Camp, 1960

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VOLUME 34             AFTER CAMP LETTER          Around Sept. 15, 1960        

DELAY. Where the time has gone since camp is a local mystery. We have been busy, tired, and away. A wedding took us to Maine. We have worked at odds and ends and Betty has had a long job with the multitude of small items in the incidental bills. Doing this Homeletter is the most optimistic sign yet.

REPORTS. The only reports enclosed are tutoring ones. Copies and exams have been sent to most schools concerned. The results seem good in our preliminary survey. The schools decide.

LOST ARTICLES. When camp closes we make heroic attempts to get councilors and boys to leave no articles behind. There are meetings and notices and super-vision, Then we take the beds out, the tents down, and the platforms off. Under and about in the bushes articles come to light. We wrap and send off bushels of packages. Letters come asking about this and that. A line of boys goes past the pile of unmarked clothing at the laundry, but there is a heap always left. The only solution is greater responsibility on the part of campers. That will be the day! Just today I found a new moccasin under Tent 14 whose platforms I just took off.

WEATHER. While the last night was perfect it rained for several days thereafter. Councilors had to leave with the tents up on bare platforms. Bob and Dick Carlton took them down some days later in a few hard hours. Since then it has been hot for the most part and good camp weather. We are down there still, but Bob and Betty and the children have gone back to Bob’s Harvard football job.

BARBEQUE. We gladly fed nearly 325 eager ones. Only 14 boys took the train so most families were with us. It was good to see so many.

BILLS. There may be errors. They are like lost articles; we try to avoid them, but never can quite make it a hundred per cent. Please do not hesitate to contest our facts and figures. Charges go through a lot of hands and minds.

THANK YOU. You did the promotion of a fine season. Your Sons made it a success. Our council did a grand job. We hope it seemed happy to you. An unusual number have promised to see us next year. Along in February, we will be writing to ask your plans more definitely.

HAPPY SCHOOL YEAR TO BOYS AND PARENTS! They always suffer and rejoice together.

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