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Volume 34 July 11, 1960 Number 3
SECOND READING: The initial paragraph of last week dealt with boys registered for the first half first half who might be staying on for the rest of camp. That notice produced a number of answers telling us that boys would be staying on. There are a rapidly decreasing number vacancies for the second half. If your son decides to say on We can still accept your official notification.
COMING AND GOING: Addressed postal cards are enclosed to facilitate your letting us know by what method of transportation and when your son will be arriving or leaving. At the moment there is not a sufficient number coming by train to warrant a supervised group. If the number warrants it we will try to arrange for it. As you can appreciate, there is considerable planning involved at this change-over time, Friday, July 22nd.
WEATHER: It is rumored that the Weather bureau records revealed no clear cold period such as we have been enduring. It is good to report that the corner seems to have been turned. Sunday was quite warm and Monday has every indication of following suit. The number of boys who came for four weeks and are planning to stay on for four more would indicate that the young are less concerned with the atmosphere than their elders; although the latter should have found out by this time that you can’t do anything about it.
HEALTH: While you will get a personal report from Betty in regard to any ailment your child has suffered, it would seem to this layman that the camp has been extremely healthy since we wrote you last.
THE GLORIOUS FOURTH: It was Windy and cool, Councilors Steinzig, Winston, and Koppisch celebrated the day by setting off on a trip down the Susquehanna with the usual complement of campers. Much sailing, a minimum of swimming, baseball practice, Councilors Carlton and Pine led a large group to search for fossils up the ravine near camp. At night there were fire crackers, sparklers, and marshmallows with no casualties received from these deadly weapons.
SNOWBALLS IN JULY: Through the medium of an old councilor, we heard of a cleft in our mountains where one can always find snow. After two exploratory expeditions, Mouldy uncovered the cave. He and John Hendee took a bus—load over on the Fourth. They brought back proof of their, discovery and in indulged in a snowball battle, on the Fourth, right in the midst of camp. On Tuesday Mouldy and Chiefy made another expedition to this same spot.
TUESDAY: The weather was the same, Councilor Hendee took a group on foot to the old quarry. Councilors Main and Gilmore took the smallest of our citizens to famed Natty Bumppo’s cave for lunch. (This was the
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Pioneers.) Councilors McEwan, Singley and Pine gave a bad time to the fossils, resident in the gorge above Pathfinder Lodge. In softball the Vultures under Captain Gale defeated Rusty Pickett’s Robins 8-2. Thus destroying the significance of the ancient saying “what’s in a name”.
THE SIXTH DAY OF JULY: Same record—breaking weather. Canoes under command of Admiral Carlton, Commodore Pine and Captain Winston semi-circumnavigated the lake. Climbing to Lookout mountain was still another group. We even indulged in a visit to the Farmers Museum under the guidance of native son, Billy McEwan. This is normally a rainy day institution. Messers Chandlee and Art Brooks visited the snow caverns. After supper, and study hall, and store we were entranced by Moby Dick, via film.
THE FOLLOWING THURSDAY: The weather relented to clear, calm and warm. Off went a two—day Susquehanna under trip councilor Steinzig assisted by Hendee and Art Brooks. The versatile Pine took a group sketching. On the diamond the Eagles under Captain John King beat the Swallows led by Dave Revell. (Note previous remark on ominous nomenclature.) Frank Pine assisted by McKee Lundberg took the formers tent to Gravelly. To the crest of Strawberry Mountain trudged councilor Carlton and a large group to spend the moonlit night on what we call Lookout. By some optical illusion the Lake 1000 foot below, and a mile away, looks asthough it were lapping at the very foot of the incline. Messers Main, Mercer and Gilmore entertained at hot dogs on Sandy Beach at supper time. This day we started improvements on our camp road. Till the next storm, it closely resembles the Thru-way.
JULY EIGHTH: Clear, cool and lightly breezy. Chenango humiliated us in baseball by a score of 16-4. Elroy Face Mulvenny climbed the mound too late to stay the rout. Mr. Spaulding and tent spent the night or Gravelly. Another group spent another night under the full moon on top of old Lookout. Commander Coupe was the leader. Bandits absconded with the food, but a run by Doug rivaling Paul Revere’s ride brought the truck galloping back with new supplies. The usual movie trip to town and completion of the highway into camp.
SATURDY: Atmospherically a duplicate of Friday. A spate of welcome visitors. All the trips came back unscathed. We aqua—planed on rough water. At night we had a splendid set of tent plays. Bill brooks with the talented group of actors housed in tent #16 won the prize. Steve Cunningham was termed best actor while John Young scored an outstanding success as an actress. While Heavy is usually applied in dramatic parlance to the villain, John somehow recalled the term although he danced with airy grace. Councilors Main and Mellor received may congratulations on the productions, along with our costuming genius, Mrs. Garver.
THE SABBATH: Weather as advertised previously. Dick Carlton conducted an interesting and stimulating church service. There was a thorough going inspection of tents and trunks, much water skiing. Captain Winston’s Dandelines obscured the Lil1ies, under Rogers, 10—2 in softball. For the second time in a row, tents #1 and #9 won the inspection trip to town. Whenthey returned we saw a film depicting Texas, and another portraying peanuts from the cradle to the grave. There was a third offering dealing with miniature railroads. Thus at the beginning of the Conventional week and at the end of ours, we bid you a transient adieu.
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