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Volume 34 June 27, 1960 Number 1
THIS PUPLICATION: Since 1931, some four years after camp Hyde Bay started, the Director began to write This weekly epistle. Encouraged by many letters and comments of appreciation he has resisted the inclination to discontinue. It aims to tell the story of the week at camp, as a boy might tell it if he could do so with no more effort than dictating.
MAILING LIST: We send the Home Letter to the parents of all campers. When requested it goes to grandparents or other relatives, to former campers, or their parents; and to old councilors.
BILLS: The bills for the camp fee are enclosed. Boys are allowed to charge various items for which they would normally pay cash. The bill for these is sent soon after the end of camp.
REPORTS: Hereafter on a Tuesday you may expect the Home Letter and a report from the tent councilor. If the boy is tutoring there will also be a report from his instructor.
NUNBERS: We have 107 campers enrolled at the moment. This fills every available space and has necessitated the embarrassment of refusing some boys whom we very much desired to take. When we have filled Our beds and our places at table, we are hopelessly unable to expand further. As you can appreciate, there is considerable planning and preparation necessary to provide places.
SECOND FOUR WEEKS: Right how we do have some vacancies for the last four weeks. Many of these will be filled, as boys who are here for the first half with the option of staying on, make their decisions. We have already had one such case. As these places will rapidly vanish, you would be wise to make your decision in regard to staying over as early as possible.
COUNCIL: To care for these 107 boys we have eighteen senior councilors supplemented by five councilors—in—training. The latter reside in tents which they supervise under the sage direction of a senior councilor. Ten of the: eighteen were councilors last year. Four are former campers, leaving only four men completely new to Hyde Bay. With two exceptions, the councilors—in-training are all graduates of the U.L. system.
TENT LIST: In order that you may know the tent—mates and councilor of your son, we are enclosing the tent list for July. This is an innovation which we hope you will appreciate. Most of you have met the councilor and some of the boys.
KITCHEN: We are extremely fortunate in having Henry, Kriss and Joe
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back with us. This staff functioned splendidly last summer. Henry Norman, our highly skilled chef, has been with us for many summers. During the balance of the year he has a responsible position with the Slater Cafeteria System.
FACULTY: Mr. James L. Dresser, has been our teacher of mathematics for over thirty years, and Mr. A. J. Downs, our instructor in English is back for his fourth season. Mrs. R. Jack Garver is again taking charge of the youngest of those tutored. There are twenty—four boys so far indulging in this summer pastime. They seem able to do it without material damage to their enjoyment of the camp. Such work frequently results in saving an entire year of school.
THE STORY: Councilors began to come in Saturday. They were practically all here by Monday afternoon. They worked with skill and persistence, with the result that the camp was in fine physical condition on Friday morning when the campers began to arrive. In our usual informal and accommodating spirit we had taken several at odd times before this date. Thirty—five boys came in by train under the supervision of veteran guide Bob Pickett. The group started in Washington at 7:00 a.m. and arrived at our railroad station, Fort Plain, in theory at 5:38 p.m.,in practice at ten minutes before six. Taxicabs were awaiting to ferry them through the rain to camp in time for dinner. Some boys came in on Saturday, while still others could not reach us until Sunday. An incident of the trip: at the Grand Central station, the boys were interviewed by a group of radio representatives for a recording on tape for a subsequent broadcast over the CBS system.
NEW BOAT: A speed boat with an outboard motor, powerful enough to make our water skiing more exciting was a surprise gift from an old camper, councilor add erstwhile partner at Hyde Bay, one Dr. L. K. Pickett.
SATURDAY JUNE_25th: A rather violent wind. It rained in the morning, but cleared in the afternoon. The winds persisted. Councilor Hendee had to dash home. Old councilor Murphy who has been toiling here for a few weeks was on band to fill in, Councilors Steinzig, Pine, Arthur Brooks, Koppisch, and Mercer took the first trip up Shadow Brook by canoe. The early part of the trip over the rough lake was rather exciting. The evening was enlivened by witnessing Davy Crockett as portrayed on film.
THE SABBATH: This was a clear, cool, sunny day with a good breeze substituting for the violent wind. The Catholic boys went off to church in town while the Director conducted our first camp service in the theater. There was a lot of sailing, and coaches Coupe and Winston held the first 1960 baseball practice where promising talent was uncovered. Losing no time, industrious swimming coach Bill Brooks began Junior Life Saving classes. Up Strawberry Mountain, as we call the 800 ft. hill back of us, went a large group under essentially the same direction as the expedition which conquered Shadow Brook. We had our hot dogs and watermelon out of doors at night after enjoying the main meal of the day at noon in the dining-room. The day was concluded by watching some excellent films provided by the Santa Fe Railroad.
THE PRESENT: A beautiful Monday is ideal for the Big League baseball game between the Cubs and the Indians. About sixty—five of our citizens will attend. The complete story will be in our next edition.
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