WEATHER: For the first time this year this as being dictated in the edge of a dense fog. It has lifted enough to make the far shore of Ostsego visible. The radio weatherman announces he is going to the big ball game, so we take heart. :n has been a well nigh perfect week in the realm where providence dispenses favors. We have not even had a1l the rain we really need.
Health: In this providential area also we have been unusually fortunate. Our ills, if any, are extremely minor.
MID MONTH MADNESS: Whereas for many years the Directoress has in solitary grandeur carried the torch of the early morning dip, all of a sudden, the dock has become popular before breakfast, even such high brass as our head councilor and his wife, and on one historic occasion Mouldy and his tent.
IN AND OUT: This coming Friday marks to end of the first four week of camp. A few boys will be leaving, a few boys will be coming. Some who had planned to leave after four weeks have repented their folly and are staying. Such “men who came to dinner” are very welcome. We would gladly hear from more of that persuasion.
CORRECTION: A grave injustice was done last week to two eminent operatives at Hyde Bay. Joseph Stanley Heuisler, Jr. is coach of the softball team and not one Sherman A. Murphy III who was given that honor erroneously in our last Issue. The later is distinctly a water man and currently coach and manager of one of the contesting swimming teams where the issue is still in doubt.
JULY 13th BUT NOT FRIDAY: The first trip went off to Trenton falls led by Bob Pickett with the assistance of councilors Classen, Pine, Brooks and McManus, the last two to be designated by “W”. In our remaining canoes, Jack Garver with the McManus (to be designated by “C”) departed by canoe for Natty Bumpo’s, Cave. Scheduled to meet them there was the pedestrian group led by the greatest exponent of foot transportation since Edward Payson Weston. The name is Philip Schwartz. They met and lunched at Fairy Springs and, with the exception of the “great pedestrian”, exchanged methods of transportation. We practiced softball, we skied, we aquaplaned, and of course we swam. Toward night councilors Winston and Rodgers took their tents to Gravelly guided to their destination by our talented Indian guide, Jimmain. After supper footsore Schwartz supervised a game of 1—2—3 Red Light.
TUESDAY: Councilors Carlton and Hendee led out an eager group on a hike. In spite of excellent pitching by Carl Hennrich, Chenango beat us l4 to 7 in softball on their diamond. You have heard the hackneyed
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expression “rough diamond”. This applies easily to their field and ours. The teem was transported by Hacker and by car, switching passengers on the two trips. Admiral Jeff with his three sailboats arrived in time to hear the score. As soon as the Hacker returned we started aquaplaning. John Hendee took his tent to Gravelly. At supper the camp was electrified by a Bastille Day address by one “Antoine Schwartz”.
JULY 15th: Another hike under the intrepid explorers Carlton and McManus (C) scaled Strawberry Mountain to collect fossils, fungi and other defenseless children of nature. Freddy Gale passed his “D” swimming test as Neil Kocher had done the Sunday before. Softball teams owned and operated by Peter Black and Rusty Pickett met on our field. Trenton trip came in in time for supper reporting the usual wonderful experience in the romantic area they visited. At supper venerable former camper, councilor and partner one L. K. Pickett spoke on behalf of the alumni. Our movie failed to arrive. Visitors from our local hospital finished taking nose cultures. Note: Our campers have been submitting nose samples to the greater glory of medical science.
THURSDAY: Charlie and Walter made their attack upon the fish with a number of young assistants. An up—the—lake trip under the inevitable Garver and assistants completed their circumnavigation this day. We practiced baseball, we skied and planed. John Hendee and three campers went to play golf in the S T, that is, they went in the S T. Gravelly was adorned this evening by Charlie McManus and his tent. Messers. Arthur Brooks and David Rodgers entertained some distinguished guests at supper on Sandy Beach.
BASTILLE DAY PLUS THREE: Another Carlton hike, Chenango was humbled 8 to 5 in baseball. Our battery McPherson to Johnson. Councilor Pine assisted by Camper Lawry Pickett spent the night on Gravelly, while the rugged Alpinists Williams and Classen dragged their clients up Strawberry Mountain to Lookout for a moonlit night. Movie addicts among our older campers gratified their strange tastes by a trip to town.
SATURDAY: (Right now, not then, a drop of rain is falling — alas poor baseball.) Many parents came to see us. The trips who left in the last paragraph returned safely. Garver’s Golf Greens started operations Sailing was featured by practice for the forthcoming regatta with Chenango.
DRAMA: In a thrilling series of plays, the combined strength of tents 1l and 14 overcame all competition to get the box of Hershey bars. The fascinating charms of the only two actresses brought Oscars to Lawry Pickett and John Young. The military bearing of Tim Allen won him the masculine award.
SUNDAY: Councilor Schwartz conducted our church service. We bad a diving contest in the morning and between showers a swimming meet in the afternoon, which is not yet concluded. Councilors barely edged out campers 3 to 2 in a game of baseball. Our neetest inhabitants went to town by bus as a reward. They were tents 53B and 4. We ate Barbecues out of doors. Two fine films as darkness came.
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