FIRST READING: On the evening of August 18, a Monday, we will have a chicken barbecue prepared by a talented employee of Harvard University. There will be a huge bon—fire. Prizes will be awarded to those who have earned them. To this festive occassion, all parents and sundry relatives are invited. This includes the owners of First Half campers if they wish to return. Next week you will get a formal invitation in this publication with a return card for you to fill out.
NEW DEPARTURE: Last year our Head Councilor, known variously as Mr. George N. Chandlee, Jr. or “Chiefie”, suggested that he would like a break in his long years of splendid service at Hyde Bay. The result is that Mr. and Mrs. Chandlee embarked on Friday morning on a Western trip leaving us smiling bravely through our tears. While they jostle other tourists before the marvels of the West, Bob Pickett will take over any of the head Councilor’s duties ably assisted by married, and hence extremely capable Councilors, Garver and Carlton. The nurture and admonition of the U. L. will devolve en this Ancient. This vacation is richly deserved and, to coin an original phrase, couldn’t happen to nicer people. The duties of Mrs. Chandl1ee will be covered by Mrs. Carlton and a good Samaritan who has come in from nearby to help with this letter and other secretarial matters.
WEATHER: If one could memeo in red, this paragraph would sport that color. The atmosphere has been on it’s good behavior. We had some really wonderful days. The showers have served mainly to make us appreciate the sun.
HEALTH: This hasn’t appeared in previous letters although it is normally routine. We have been plagued only by minor ills and even lesser accidents. For this condition we claim no credit but return fervent thanks.
MONDAY: Cold in the early hours but clear and hot during the day. Trenton Falls trip Number Two set out under the traditional guidance of Bob Pickett assisted by Eddie, Phil, Pete, and Warren. Jeff sailed his flotilla to Springfield Landing and for variety paddled home. The Junior Baseball Watermellon went into the capacious maws of Bill Brooks, Archie Coupe and their team. It took a whole day of games to determine the winner. The Good Housekeeping award went to tents 1 and 8 whose trip to town was postponed until Monday.
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CHANGE IN THE CAST: There was much baseball practice. Jack Garver took an immense herd to play in a nearby barn. So far, I have heard no wail from the owner. Mostly the day was given ever to a procession of cars coming in and cut of our campus. Some twenty odd campers left us and more than half that number entered to take their places. We were, I believe, now at 85 which is much the smallest camp we have had since the World War ceased (or at least diminished.) It is a situation of concern only to the management and to the U. S. Internal Revenue Service. It is really an excellent size for a camp.
THEN WEDNESDAY: Campers aged 13 and under engaged Chenango in soft ball to lose by a margin of two runs. Other activities on this misty and hot day were usual.
HARRY’S-HOME-RUN-DAY: Another Susquehanna trip got off under Eddie, David and Phil. The day was ideal and warm. Councilors Mellor, Pine, and Walter McManus spent the, night with their juvenile associates on Gravelly. This paragraph derives it’s name from the grand slam home run hit by Harry Black on Cooperstown‘s famous Doubleday field where we beat their team 11 to 6. Our victories over this organization have been few and far between. We are considering a Tent of Fame with Harry’s profile en a plaque.
“DAY OF INFAMY”: Previously known as Friday, this was the day when even before breakfast our Commodore arrived. The Gravelly tourists returned. out to Nebo went Dick Carlton and a huge group. The downy beds on Gravelly were occupied by Hills and Hendee and their retinue. This was the foggiest morning these eyes have seen in years. Art Brooks and Dick Carlton brought to shore a 14 pound snapping turtle. The accuracy of this figure nay be attested by the fact that the reptile was weighed on our bathroom scales and not those employed by Charlie for his fish. In th highest tradition of the conservation department, It was killed and the shell processed. The Commodore is known in Manhattan as Walter Lord.
SATURDAY: The trips came back but we were not much increased in numbers because the intrepid Garver took an Up The Lake Trip which returned just before supper.
DRAMATIC SUBSTITUTE: To get a break in our program and to inflict on our dramatic producer Schwartz the horrors of a Trenton Falls trip, there were no Tent Plays. Instead we enjoyed a parody on the television program entitled “Make Me Laugh”. More Tent Plays next week.
REGATTA DAY: Dick Carlton preached in cur Theater Church urging all of us to give tithes of our kindness to others about us. The tiny ships of the 8 inch regatta for the first time in over 25 years, were wafted out to sea other than to shore. By some juggling of the rules, Art Brooks was the winner with Kristen Garver in second place. The usual neatness award sent tent 53B off to town in the Hacker. We ate out of doors as usual and viewed two extremely interesting films on insects and petroleum.
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