Hyde Bay Camp For Boys Home Letter Volume 30, August 24, 1956 No. 8 |
Back to The Lodge VOLUME 30 August 24, 1956 No. 8 THE TUMULT AND THE SHOUTING: With both conventions over and all the campers gone, what a remarkable calm has settled down on this place. I guess the next excitement will be the World Series. CRONOLOGY: While there is before me the same accurate, all inclusive record of our last week, I will not include it in this edition, because you will have heard it all and much more beside from your sons. We should say however that campers Dietz, Scott and Gil Garnsey passed their “E” test with the first two on the list also passing the “D” test. The first “Eight Inch Regatta” was won by a boat owned by the then Head Councilor, Charles Classen. This year’s aquatic contest was won by Charlie Classen, a councilor in training and son of the first winner. Trips to Nebo and Gravelly were sandwiched deftly in between tournaments by programmer Chandlee. A highly successful Horse Show was the feature of Saturday afternoon. The Wednesday movie called Drumbeat, a good set of two educational movies and the annual appearance of our local magician rounded out this week. STATISTICS: This year 132 boys attended Hyde Bay for periods ranging from one to eight weeks, The most we had at any one time was 106. 104 sets of parents sent these excellent campers to us. In other words we were full to capacity the entire season. That capacity cannot and will not be increased. OF BARBECUES AND BONFIRES: Sixty-six sets of parents accompanied by non-camping children and other relatives helped to make up an assemblage of well over 300 who participated in the final festivities. Never have I seen in Hyde Bay’s thirty years more congenial, amiable and enthusiastic group. The ears of the Picketts and their associates were warmed continually by the loveliest sort of comments. Bob Pickett had marvelous good fortune with his chickens. The Hyde Bay staff, each of which was assigned a vital function, performed nobly. The weatherman was most kind, even deigning to decorate our western sky with a vivid sunset. The fire burned long, before it toppled into the lake. In short, “every prospect pleased” and this time man was anything but vile. AFTERMATH: At too little after five in the morning, the 21 campers, who went home by train under the wing of George Ruestow, roused themselves (and others), had breakfast and pushed off by bus for Fort Plain. By the time the Director had come back from seeing then safely off, parents were arriving in cars and in clusters to carry away reluctant campers. An unusual record was established when the last boy departed by 10:00 o’clock. _____________________ Back of Page ___________________________ DEMOLITION: Then ensued a startling scene. A determined phalanx of councilors with one or two residual U.L.s stored mattresses and beds, took down tents and rolled them up, stored them in the tutoring school on benches steeped in lucubration. Platforms vanished from the tent sites into the Russellorum, like a movie being rum backwards. The tower came down, the dock came in, he sailboats were unrigged and stored in the theater. Only a token navy and the canoe dock survived on the bald and yawning waterfront. THE CAPTAINS AND THE KINGS DEPPART: Now the council having done a remarkable day’s work Began to dwindle. By late Wednesday night, even our four amiable members of the kitchen staff had boarded the train, their hearts warmed and their pockets laden with your splendid generosity. TODAY: Only the Chandlees, Garvers and Picketts now gather about the long table on the eastern side of the dining—room. BILLS: The primary cause of the interval which will intervene before this missive reaches you, is the task of computing the vast multitude of small items of the incidental hills of the campers. These accounts CORRESPONDENCE: It is my ambition, with those two blunt neighbors to my thumbs, to add a personal note to each of these letters. More delay. About twenty a day is my limit. NEXT YEAR: A most unusual number of parents have already asked me to enroll their sons definitely for 1957. Many new people have applied already, only to be greeted with the reluctant statement that none can be accepted until I hear from our old campers. If you want your 1956 registration added to the rapidly growing pile under the caption Nineteen Hundred and Fifty—seven, please let me know. APPEAL FOR AID: Please help us plan for next year with your friendly suggestions for the betterment of Hyde Bay. Your criticism is welcome. IN CONCLUSION: I wou1d be callous indeed not to express once more the gratitude of all of us Picketts for the splendid work done by the entire staff. (This publication goes also to parents of councilors.) It appeals to me as the best of all our thirty seasons. We are grateful for the support all you parents have given us and the fine cooperative spirit of all the campers of 1956. A camp season, like life in general, is ringed about with the spectoral shapes of potential disasters. That we were spared any such ordeal is a matter for profound thankfulness on the part of all concerned. STILL CONCLUDING: I will thank you for your checks as they flood back to me. Anon, I’ll write a Christmas letter. Good luck and many thanks. |