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Home Letter Volume 27, July 27, 1953 No. 4

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VOLUME 27             July 27, 1953                   No. 4

WEATHER: This important factor in camp life has been extremely satisfactory during this week. We have had a light rain on two days. Another day was very windy. The rest of the time was perfect camp weather.

HEALTH: Ken Boyd required the presence of Dr. Goodwin one day but he is up and about now. There have been sundry visits to the hospital for shots and the treatment of injuries previously reported in this sheet.

HANDICRAFT INNOVATION: Councilor Jack Garver went to Baltimore on Sunday and returned Tuesday bringing with him Mrs. Garver and their 1953 Model daughter, Kristen. In his absence a nursery was built to supplement the Garver cabin. Thus does Hyde Bay meet life’s emergencies as they emerge.

FAUNA:, On a trip up Shadow Brook under the able guidance of Councilors Miller and Navas, seven boys with the assistance of Mr. “Ring” Pickett surrounded and captured a baby rabbitt. The infant rodent was placed under the expert care of Sherman Murphy. It was subsequently released on Gravelly in the course of another expedition of the same tent. Also this week Councilor Offutt, who once before brought in a hedgehog, succeeded in capturing an aged and moribund raccoon. A commission was appointed to sit on the ailing animal and reluctantly decided on euthenasia. Before this risky sentence could be carried out, the raccoon’s spirit left its furry tenement.

CINEMA: This mid—week feature was postponed until Thursday when we were thrilled by the film, “The Day the Earth Stood Still.” There may have, been some resultant nightmares. On Sunday night we had three excellent films, one of them was sent us by the courtesy of Hyde Bay Parent Charles McManus.

DRAMA IN THE ROUND or A ROUND OF DRAMA: The Saturday night plays proved to be the best of the year. At breakfast on Sunday, Mr. Mercer at the end of an even longer speech than Judge Russell’s, awarded the Hershey bars to Tent 7 who presented a classic drama featuring Caesar and certain contemporaries. The great Roman lived again in the person of John Chase who made the transition from porpoise to Emperor with complete aplomb. “Special Delivery in Space” presented Tent 53A in a well—staged Buck Rogers echo. It reached a fitting climax when Courtney Winter dramatically announced that

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he, (as the solo survivor,) was now Captain of the space ship. This play or Tent 6 in the Graveyard Finale might well have won the prize on almost any other evening. The last play featuring that lovely starlet, Stevie Saulsbury, held us spellbound with those bonds badly shaken by laughter.

HUM-DRUM DETAIL: Two groups visited the Baseball Museum under Fans, Gorter and King. An impromptu piano recital was given by Courtney. We started an advanced swimming class for boys of twelve who are not quite mature enough for Junior Life Saving. Tuesday found Henry King and Harry Bowdoin and their tents on Gravelly. A supper trip supervized by Councilors Stephenson and Sargent took place on Wednesday in which evening the rabbit was released on Gravelly as previously mentioned. Great handicraft activity was stimulated by the rain on Thursday. Another excursion under Dick Fryberger visited Gravelly. Round—the—lake trip #2 had a perfect day for it on Saturday, mostly tutoring boys who used this as an escape from the books on their holiday.

THE REWARD OF CLEANLINESS: Tent 53A accompanied by Tent 9, held over from last week, made a trip to town in the Hacker for best in inspection.
BASEBALL: We have defeated Chenango once more by a score of 17—7. Barker in softball has beaten Rozendaal 21—9. The Rozendaals wore defeated by the Triggs 8—7. A twilight game on Sunday found Schwartz victorious over Barker. A play-off is now necessary to decide the league. As this is written the rain is falling as are the spirits of the eighty Hyde Bay boys who hope to attend the exhibition game on Doubleday Field between the Redlegs and the White Sox. In his prophetic speech, visiting Britisher, Basil Wright, stated that as legs were encased inside sox, he ventured the imminence of a Chicago victory. (Ed. Note: It may not be cricket to decide a game thus in advance.)

TRENTON FALLS: Only two trips a year are allowed to this famous Hyde Bay shrine. The participants are selected with great care on the basis of seniority and ability. They left on Tuesday under Bob Pickett and Heb with assorted councilors. They returned tired and happy on Thursday reporting the usual adventurous experiences.

INCIDENTALS: Former Councilor Forman took pictures of every tent on Friday. Al Kerr and his young followers visited Wild Horse Farm on Russian Hill. There was some water skiing. Another day saw a sailing race.
CHANGE—OVER: Tomorrow we lose something more than a dozen boys with an equal number coming in to take their places. Our numbers will be about the same in August as in July, a condition which has never before prevailed at Hyde Bay.

FLASH: The sun has come out but there are still
Clouds over Cooperstown.

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