Hyde Bay Camp For Boys Home Letter Volume 26, August 11, 1952 No. 6 |
Back to The Lodge VOLUME 26 August 11, 1952 No. 6 ENCLOSURE: The card which you will find enclosed is very important. Please return it promptly so that we may plan for the necessary transportation. You are cordially invited to the final banquet. Please let us mow promptly if you are coming and what guests you are bringing with you. Please let us have the names and the ages of any accompanying children. The resourceful head councilor does marvels in seating our many guests but he does require some basic data. THOSE RAILROADS: So far I have had no word from the New York Central about our train. We surely can take the 6:18 A.M. Standard from Fort Plain because it always stops at this station. They are still playing with the idea of a strike. Let me assure you once more that in that unfortunate event, we will get the boys to New York City by ox cart or some more modern successor to that conveyance. ANOTHER ENCLOSURE: You will find a brief dissertation enclosed giving some details on one item of our closing exercises. Your advice and criticism will be appreciated. BAGGAGE: Please note the space on the card provided for information in regard to your son’s baggage. Unless we have orders to the contrary, all such impedimenta will be forwarded by express collect. We are, however, glad to meet your convenience in this matter. MONDAY, AUGUST 4TH: The high wind and the rough lake caused two of our sail boats to expose their keels to the sun. Mariners and craft were rescued by Old Salt Chandlee and the Hacker. The second and last Trenton Falls trip rattled out of camp this morning. Blaise, Jack Cooper, Gibby and Phil assisted Bob on this expedition. The phone was busy all this day giv[ing us news of the steady advance of Commodore Lord who arrived in camp for a short stay that evening. Leslie Manning led out a group of embryonic scientists to stalk the elusive Otsego fossil. Some fine specimens were captured. Mrs. Brown heroically took Tent 7 to town to see Robin Hood. Son, Jono, resides in this canvas dwelling. CLOUDY, WINDY, OVERCAST TUESDAY: Sun and rain alternated like an atmospheric club—sandwich on this day. Arthur Wood surmounted his “E” test. John Ramsay’s family carried him off to the wilds of Canada. His place was immediately taken by old camper, Tommy Sargent. Early that morning ancient councilor, John Reuse, appeared for the balance of the season. WEDNESDAY: Clear, calm and sunny until a slight drizzle moistened the afternoon. With the rattle and bang of aluminum canoes, the tired but jubilant Trenton Falls trip came into camp at the scheduled hour of 4:45. After hot showers and supper, they joined the rest of the _______________ Back of Page __________________ camp in viewing an excellent movie, perhaps the best of our season; its name was “God is My Co—Pilot.” A pleasing feature of the day was the passing of his “D” swimming test by one of our very youngest campers who rejoices in the name of “Porpoise.” He was christened John Chase. THE NEXT DAY: proved to be a calm, clear and clement Thursday. George Konta passed his “E” test while sundry of his compatriots under the intrepid leadership of no less a person than Admiral Chandlee assisted by Commodores Callard and Bullock made the circuit of the lake. They were greeted on their return by a spontaneous outpouring of camp spirit assiduously organized by Commodore Lord. McRae, under the benign guidance of old man Rouse took his tent to spend the night on Gravelly, where we shall leave them sleeping while we go on to chronicle the events of FRIDAY: Starting out as a typically overcast day, the sun won a brief decision in the late afternoon. Art Wood put his “D” test on his previously surmounted “E”. The Commodore departed in his Nash Rambler (Advt.). The calm morning tempted us into extensive water skiing. Fortune seemed to favor the S’s for Sampson, Sargent and Spofford all rode those erratic boards successfully. The afternoon was given over almost entirely to a thrilling ball game (hard ball if you please) on Little Rock as our now athletic field is known (with very good reason). We won 10 to 9. The older boys and some councilors satisfied their morbid craving for civilization by their usual trip to the movies in town. HOT, CALM AND SATURDAY: Trigg’s Basketball Team initiated the season by boating the Schwartz aggregation by a score of 19 to 11. Mrs. Palmer F.C. Williams, mother of three Hyde Bay councilors, threw out the first ball The afternoon was given over to an adaptation of those abominable scavenger hunts. This admirable version stimulates boys to bring in samples of flora and fauna. Ten boys emerged as the winners. They were allowed to select their prize. They chose a movie trip to town which will be executed in the near future. The winners were Barkers, R. and W., Freeman, Pete Smith, Donahoe, Pete McManus, Jono Brov1n, George Barker, Walter McManus and Charlie Classen. THESPIAN TREAT: The fifth series of camp plays produced perhaps our funniest evening of the season. The judges had a hard job but chose the Prairie Rose, The Private Life of a Wooden_Indian, for the award of the candy. There were more excellent individual performances than we are accustomed to see on our stage. We might mention “Rosita” Womble, “Olga” Rouse, “Stalin” Offutt and “Dracula” Pratt. Johnny Griffiths catapulted into the auditorium from the back of a real horse (one of our own in fact). AT LAST, SUNDAY: Bob Pickett preached. A great deal of rain fell tempered by some sunshine. Tent 11, marvels in the realm of neatness, again won the inspection trip. We had so many educational movies that we showed a film about the Yankee Baseball Team in the afternoon with an exposition of the Greentree Stables and an oil film at night. To give our faithful cooks a respite, we served a picnic supper (in the dining hall due to the weather.) |