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Home Letter Volume 25, August 13, 1951 No. 10

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VOLUME 25             August 13, 1951                   No. 10

POSTCARDS: As you may know by this time, we forgot to enclose post cards. We sent off special letters containing cards as soon as the error was discovered. In the meantime, many parents plunged to the extent of a postcard of their own, and have let us know their intentions as to the banquet and their desires in regard to the travel plans of their children. There are still many of those responses lacking, but they are coming in gradually. It is the hope of the editor that this will serve as an accelerator.

THE TRAIN TIME: An urgent letter on July 17 and a phone call this morning succeeded only in getting the information that they will let us know, probably next Thursday, about stopping a train. As soon as I get the information, I will drop a card to all parents who have told me their boys will coma by train.

SUPERVISION: Mr. Richard T. Geist will be in charge from Fort Plain to Washington, leaving various boys at places designated by their parents.

GOOD REMARK: “We did not receive the card, but we do want our boy home.”

BAGGAGE: Impedimenta will be sent express collect unless otherwise directed.
AND NOW TO GET BACK TO MONDAY: The second Trenton Falls trip started out early this morning. Bob was augmented by councilors Puffy, Goody, Cub, and George. At home, sailing races and tennis tournaments progressed apace. Councilor Rouse and his playmates spent the night on Gravelley. The day, it might be said, was both clear and cold.

AUGUST 7: A clear, calm, and warm day this Tuesday proved to be. Dick Geist, assisted by councilors Pratt and Bullock, took a ‘round-the-lake’ trip. Meanwhile, a small group went to the top of Nebo to lunch, carrying with them the personal baggage of horseman Cassatt and his four juvenile companions who spent the night on lofty Nebo. His companions: Rozendaal, Trigg, Terry Donahoe, and Griffiths. As the Director was not making his usual Rotary trip to town with the usual mail, Blaise and an assorted crew took it to town in the Hacker. In the afternoon we aquaplaned in the rain. A short movie, which we did not have time to show on Sunday, entertained us at night.

WEDNESDAY: This cloudy day, with some light rain leaking through the canopy, repented and became clear in the afternoon. During that interval, in rattled the Trenton Falls group, reporting the usual splendid time in that romantic area. In the evening we saw the timely, although ancient film, The Duke of West Point. There was much emphasis


on the honor system. A bit ironic.

TRAVELING THURSDAY: We went off as soon as possible after dinner to play Cooperstown at baseball and swimming. The historic Doubleday Field witnessed the slaughter of our innocents with a score of 12—2. Retreating to the sumptuous Alfred Corning Clark swimming pool, we fared much better. We emerged with a 32—21 score in our favor. As we returned to camp, we found Robb and his men setting off from Tent 3 to the shores of Gravelley. At approximately the same time, the faithful truck and attendant jeep carried Bud, assisted by Steve and Tom, to the summit of Mt. Nebo. With them went the smallest of our campers, habitat Tents 6, 7, and 8. They spent an eventful night on the mountain top.

FRIDAY: Clear. Another ‘round-the—lake,’ headed by councilors Geist, Cooke, and Rouse. The cosmopolitans went to town for the usual movie trip. The relentless Sandy went back to the mountain top with horsemen Omberg, Bowdoin, C. B., and Coltsy Young.

TREASURE HUNT DAY: A hot and sunny Saturday was given ever entirely to the annual treasure hunt. After many vicissitudes, John Hurst and his brain trust, consisting of Sharples, Billy Graham, Dorsey Brown, and Andy Smith, emerged the victors. There were so many syndicates and combinations in the hunt that it became a matter of politics, rather than persistence. Everyone seemed to enjoy the ordeal. Perhaps, Tom Offutt and his team would have won had not a herring been dragged across their trail in the form of an attractive porcupine. This they brought to camp in suspended safari fashion on a pole, the nether garment of Tom serving as the container. After examination by the whole camp, the hedgehog was respectfully restored to his former home. They are protected in New York State. Hedgehogs, I mean, not homes.

SUNDAY: John Hurst preached. He should have used the text, “Where the treasure is, there your heart is also.” But I am not sure that he did so. Two carloads went down to the famous Cooperstown Community Sing to hear William Warfield. The day was, more or less, a constant drizzle, which drove the Sing into the capacious corridors of the Otesaga. Tent 12 won the inspection and the trip via Hacker to Cooperstown. The evening was given over to watching a magnificent movie, giving the story of the DuPont Company.

MATTERS DRAMATIC: The final series of plays brought the season to a fitting climax. We saw the most elaborate scenery of the year when Puffy and his men portrayed the difficulties of certain campus characters en route to New York and behind the scenes on Broadway. The winning play was an interesting, well acted drama put on by Mac Williams and his tent. A new actor on our dramatic horizon, Spencer Merrick, stole the show. The final play revealed Henry VIII Cassatt and his reisterous court lapsing back into the custard pie tradition of the primitive cinema. The costuming was magnificent. There were excellent bits of acting emerging through the heavy overlay of slapstick.

FINALL MINUTIAE: I shall probably write another Homeletter after the boys have gone. This is the last set of reports you will receive. I hope we shall see you at the banquet which will start a little before seven.

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