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Home Letter Volume 24, August 24, 1950 No. 10

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VOLUME 24             August 24, 1950                   No. 10

AUREVOIR: I believe it is thus that our friends the French express the hope that we may see each other soon although an interval is to intervene. It has been one of the finest camp seasons we have ever enjoyed. I attribute this to two factors. The boys came entirely through the kind recommendation of you and friends of other years. The council had only one member new to Hyde Bay, Sid Storke, who in an astonishingly short time made us all feel that he was a real Hyde Bayer from way back. Our Head Councilor enjoyed his ninth year; Bob and Blaise have had eleven summers in various capacities at Hyde Bay. Al has been here fully as long as Chiefie. Bob and Puffy have many years on our staff. The rest all had at least one season and mostly had enjoyed many seasons with us. The entire summer school faculty are veterans.

PHILOSOPHY: (With a touch of Commercialism). One of the best gifts you can make your son is to provide him with a fine boy to be with him all summer or to influence the selection of an excellent councilor to guide him.

THE BANQUET: Something over twenty-five sets of parents and two grandparents along with various brothers and sisters sat down with us to a meal which added luster to the long and distinguished fame of Jimmy and Puffy. Ernie appeared resplendent in a dashing new outfit. After the Director had orated as is his wont, Mr. Chandlee spoke briefly and to the point, presenting the cooks a fund which had been given them by all of us. We then adjourned to the bonfire where many prizes were awarded as the flames, rising to the heavens, cast a fitful glow over the scene. Presently the boys were in bed, the parents had departed, and a peaceful group of survivors, were gathered about the embers of the fire.

AWARDS: Just about every boy in camp had one or more of the ribbons recognizing his prowess on the mat and court, in the riding ring, on the water and in the essential element. We can mention only some of the outstanding awards. The best rider in camp was Dorsey Brown. Charlie Langmaid defeated Rickey Donahoe in the finals of the junior singles. In the intermediate tennis Robbin Porter triumphed over Jan Rozendaal. Ed Bourne took Pete Powell in the senior event, while the open found Jack Cooper overcoming Angus. The campers doubles was in by Powell and Shepard over Rozendaal and Jones. Councilors Cooper and Rouse defeated their colleagues Angus and Edo in the open doubles (so open that Chiefie and Bob Pickett dropped out very early -- one year they almost won.) Skipper Powell abetted by crewman Sandy Cochran carried off the sailing trophy. The neatest of all the tent inmates proved to be Jan Rozendaal.

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ASTONISHING RECORD: There were only three non-swimmers in camp when it closed. Nineteen had passed the E Test, 76 were awarded the D Test certificate, 25 did the C Test, while nine and seven respectively endured the B and A Tests. Twenty boys passed Junior Life Saving. Seven were given the Senior award. There were some remarkable triumphs among these cases--boys who had maritime handicaps to overcome.

THE WEEK: Many of us visited Howe Caverns on Monday, after which Julian Reed and his councilors took Tents 6, 7, and 8 to Nebo for the night. Not to be outdone Angus lead his tent to Gravelly. We succumbed to Cherry Valley in baseball l4—7. Another horse hike scaled Mount Nebo under Sid’s direction. Heb and his tent were on Gravelly for the night. Bob Pickett took a lunch trip to Nebo. We revived the Civil War then a Confederate flag appeared waving at our masthead.

THE REGATTA: The famous 8-inch regatta under the benign direction of the Commodore was for the first time in its history declared “no race” because certain pirates took the commadorial barge in the midst of the contest. The barge, constructed by the veteran Evans Shiprights, is something which must be seen to be understood. The regatta evening was celebrated by movies of the camp in the past.

FURTHER ON IN THE WEEK: There were baseball and farmer museum trips. Tents 5 and 10 repeated at Gravelly. Some volunteers went to Nebo for the night with Puffy. There was a movie trip for the oldsters to Cooperstown. The Mudhens beat the Old Rouses 9 – 8. Life saving examinations were passed.

UNIQUE CONTESTS: Saturday morning Billy McEwan and Mark Smith defeated George Ruestow and Dave Andrew who in turn outsmarted youngster Dave Stratton in identifying pictures which the Commadore had taken. The afternoon was given over to a nature hunt where boys collected interesting leaves, insects, flowers, and the like. Tw tents totalling six boys were given a gallon of ice cream to dispose of as they saw fit.

ON SUNDAY: The Director preached. The horse show was a great success. The 0ld Rouses beat the Red Hots. We saw movies of an educational nature in the evening.

THE NEXT WEEK: The softball league ended in a tie on Monday, which saw the annual Walter Lord production in our theater, replete with music, satire, and good acting. Words fail to describe his occasion. Soon we packed and banqueted and departed. We trust Herb Eckart’s ?????? arrived safely. At least no revealing telephone calls have been received. This is a Thursday afternoon, the councilors have completely closed the camp and most of them have gone -- and so I shall lay aside my pen for the season. Many thanks for everything.

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