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Home Letter Vol. 12, No. 8,  1939

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VOLUME XII.    NUMBER EIGHT.                    August 18 – August 25, 1939.

DEPARTURE.  By a curious combination of events, the most vital of which was a too late start, the most unexpected a shortage of air at Flint’s store which delayed us, the proud Mohawk or some other equally proud train had to wait almost five minutes for us.  If it had not been for the characteristic foresight of Head Councilor Chandlee who went on ahead we should have missed the train with a train of consequences which even now, a day after, wakes the Director up whimpering in his sleep.  The eloquence and persuasive powers which wangled a degree from Yale was too much for the New York Central Conductor.  WE CAUGHT THE TRAIN.  As it really waited for us it was practically “shooting a sitter”.

RESUME.  This has been our best season.  We have had that most unusual combination, a completely congenial group.  It has been the easiest camp to run in the history of camps.  We had no accident requiring hospital stay.  Only one exray was taken and that with a favorable report.  Only now and then a boy spent one night in the bed reserved for sick ones in our house.  There were no disagreeable incidents.  There were many humorous occasions such as that of the Widow Casey.  We have never had a better council nor a better group of boys.  Even the U. L. surpassed all previous groups.  With no exception, these boys attended to their tasks with perfect spirit and performance.  In short, it was just one of those years.  To all of you who made this possible goes the gratitude of the Picketts.

DRAMAT.  To cap the climax of a very fine season, Mrs. Dresser not only produced but also acted in “The Drums of Oude”.  The veteran actor Gordon Kinder took the lead.  He was ably abbetted by Larry Skelley, Jake Madden, Taylor Rodgers and the two slick Hindus, Eddie Supplee and Norman Pitcairn.  It was a very fine performance well enjoyed by all.

SINCE CAMP.  As you have been told all the news by your sons, we shall not go into much detail about the last week of camp.  Boys are more gifted in the spoken than in the written word.  You and they will be interested in what has gone on since camp.  As soon as the cars came puffing into camp from Fort Plain we fell to and took down half of the tents.  Many boats were taken to the theatre which was torn down to the wooden essentials.  The surviving councilors worked so fast that they were sent home Saturday morning.  Art Clarke and Jim Dandy stayed on at camp.  Jim is here still on this beautiful Tuesday.

OH YES. THE WEATHER.  Bright warm days and cold clear nights have been the rule during the last week of camp and since.

THE LAST NIGHT.  Dinner was at six-thirty.  The dining room was buried in corn stalks and evergreens.  The Kinders, the Willards, Mrs. McNamara, from afar, and Mrs. Oudin and the Cooks from Cooperstown were our guests.  Fielder out-did himself with the dinner.  The fried chicken, the sweet potatoes, the corn which we had gathered that afternoon, all made a fine climax to good work in the kitchen.  In the midst of the festivities George called Fielder, Buddy, and Theodore in and gave them the gift from boys and councilors.  The Director talked far too long but felt he could not say less after such a perfect season.  Prince Pineapele chanted a hymn in Halordawaian.  Many songs were sung including the traditional happy birthday to Prof. Presently we adjourned to

THE FIRE.  This tenth of Cap’s fires was about the best.  It stood longer and rose higher toward the heavens.  People on the far side of the lake reported being aroused by it.  In the light of this brilliant glare George gave out the simple prizes for deeds done at camp.  The list is far too long to recite even if I could find the paper which George left as he dashed off to Canada with Chan.  I do recall that Bobby Dodson won the neatest bed prize, that Murph won the Senior tennis, Matt and Larry won the other tennis tournaments.  Billy Middendorf took away the Junior horse-shoe prize.  Matt Atkinson won Ping Pong too.  Larry Skelley crashed through in the senior division of this sport.  Tommy Cranweel won the midget ping pong.  And joke of jokes, the Director who has never gotten beyond the second round before, won the Senior Horse shoes.  Countless ribbons were given to a like number of boys for the events of the “Wind Up”.  We do not care for prizes.   Those we give are not very valuable and are all for attainment not opinion.  I would not accept a prize for the best camper.  There are too many good ones.

THANK YOU AGAIN.  You sent us the boys with no urging from us.  The boys behaved perfectly while here.  (I would like to see every single one of them back here next year.)  The very real gratitude of all the Picketts goes to you all.  My files have many splendid letters in them.  WE DO THANK YOU!


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