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Home Letter Vol. 11, No. 8,  1938

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 VOLUME XI NUMBER  EIGHT                                     AUGUST 31, 1938

LATE.  This letter was due a week ago, but the editor has been taking it easy for a day or so since the boys left.  Most of the subscribers have heard all the news already vocally.  This is just to remind you of something the boy forgot to tell.

LAST FALL.  The ball game is never over until the last man is out.  On the late afternoon of the last day, Walter Dandy fell from his mount in the horse show and fractured an arm.  Fortunately, Dr. Coblentz was a spectator and fixed Walter up for the trip to the hospital.  By supper time, Walter was back and able to support his reputation as a trencherman.

SHOCKING CHANGE.  Since camp for a few days, the councillors and a few other friends of the Pickett boys have been holding a house party.  You would not have known the old camp at times.

WEATHER.  The weather since camp has been perfect.  Late August and early September have the habit of producing warm days and very cold nights.

DRAMA.  On the last Saturday night, the Hyde Bay Actors put on a fine show.  It was our adaptation of the bishop and his candlesticks from Jean Valjean.  Jack Young was the bishop and did his first serious role well.  Al Kerr donned the somber robes of the sister.  Garnet was the maid.  Georden Kinder did a fine bit of work as Jean, a vast improvement over most who have done it.  Jake and Pep supported the reputation of the French police.  Mrs. Dresser’s direction was excellent, as was the scenery done by Pep.

MORE DRAMA.  Tuesday saw a very fine bit of work by the Three Little Pigs, this time assuming the role of the three blind mice.  Lanier, Guy and Walter supported Travers as the farmer’s wife with a genuine carving knife.  Written by the actors, the play was a mighty good one.  It was followed by a very amusing radio “Review of the year at Hyde Bay.”  It was done after the manner of the March of Time.  High spots were hit in most amusing fashion.

GUESTS.  Dr. and Mrs. Stewart were here for a short while over the week-end.  At the final dinner, the Waters, Coblentz and Gray families were present.  The Kinders were here to take the boys away on Thursday.

WIND UP.  All the sports we have at camp have final contests during the last few days.  Almost every boy has a chance to earn a ribbon in or on the water in some sport.  Some very good races were a feature of the meet this year.  Charley Gillet won all the swims he entered.

FINAL DINNER.  Fielder did himself proud on the final dinner.  The fried chicken and appropriate attendants were followed by a short talk by the director.  Then George presented Fielder and Joe and Theodore with a gift from the boys and men.  A pleasant feature of the occasion was the spontaneous gift to Prudence, who could not get up here this year on account of her health.

FIRE!  After the dinner, we adjourned to the water front where Captain Hartzell’s tenth fire was a brilliant success.  For the first time in years, the wind blew inland, and a tree or two was scorched.  Two tents even had holes burned in them by the sparks.  The usual condition is a land breeze.  It was a memorable fire.  In its light, George presented the prize for the best bed to John Smith, who also won the award for the biggest fish.  This was shared by Bobby Pickett.  Stewart Brauns won the Junior Ping-pong.  Hal Robertson was supreme in horseshoes.  George Gillet won tennis.  George Stewart won Senior Ping-pong.  At Hyde Bay we have only simple prizes for tangible deeds.  There are no best campers and such prizes of pure opinion.

LIFE SAVING.  A large class finished the life saving course given by Lawry Pickett and made passing grades on the final exam.  Their emblems are to be sent them.  A number of boys took the test, although too young to get the emblem.  Austin Taliaferro passed it, age eleven.

IN THE SWIM.  Our youngest camper, Walter Brewster, finally passed his D test by swimming out around our tower and back.  He was the last non-swimmer left.  Every boy in camp passed at least the D test.

COMEDY.  The last few days saw the camp a feverish mass of activity as we filmed a two-reel comedy, Batty Bumppo at Hyde Bay.  It will be shown in any of your homes this winter if you ask for it.  The films have come back, and it is really funny.  The acting of Gordon and Forest are high spots, though all are good.  It has real continuity.  We will take a long one next year.

SAILING.  We did not do so well sailing against the Cooperstown Fleet.  Their three boats all finished ahead of the North Otsego sailors.  We would have been ahead if the word had been given to reverse.  The Comet races have been a great feature this year.

PEP.  Pep Nead was asked to judge the Pathfinder horse show.  He went down in full regimentals.

MANY THANKS.  This has been our best season.  To all who have done their best to make it so, we give our hearty thanks.  A better lot of boys would have been quite superfluous.  They made it easy for us of the staff with their cheerful cooperation.  This is all for this year.  If you read this far, you deserve a prize.

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