Hyde Bay Logo Hyde Bay Camp For Boys
Home Letter Second Issue, July 15, 1933

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     Usual 8-30 Sunday breakfast. Cars took three boys to church. Short service here at camp. Long Island duck for dinner. Motor boat and pedagogical cars took many over to the ball game at Springfield Centre where Hammy and Jack Young performed prodigies of skill while maimed Marrian mourning a muscle mauled mildly in his leg looked on hoping for a return to his nimbleness. It was a warm pleasant day.

     Some rain but not enough for us farmers. It did wash away tennis court markings after Leslie had put a permanent wave in his spine marking them on with a brush. Such is life. Page and Bobby saw a bald eagle with a fish in its mouth as they were out fishing less successfully than the more experienced national bird. Ye editor stirred up quite a flock of partridges as he roamed near the tennis court. A deer mouse was captured after a stiff battle by Charley Classen. After serving as the mascot for the work-squad it came to a sad end under the roller. We played a volley ball game and resolved to move the court away from the lake.

     The rising bell saw Otsego the complete Glimmerglass. Not a ripple in sight till the first dipper splashed in. In the after- noon  we installed a very good new diving board replacing the old warped one. Jake Classen and Charley Turner performed horrible evelutions from it. Play started on the tennis court which has few idle hours since. Geologist Exshaw and his retinue of Billy Lynn [?] and Charley Turner found ample evidence of prehistoric marine life in the rocks of these hills. Sandy Howat is announced as coming within a week.

     Mrs. Black came in with Gary for a brief visit. Gary remains for the summer. At evening Fanny Payne arrived via Chicago, Niagara Falls , Fort Plain, and the Station Wagon. Handicapped by residual braces of a weird and awful nature, Fanny must needs record offences in his book against that awful day when he is free again. Then will fall upon his tent an awful orgy of pinkers and tosses into the lake. The boys went down the lake to have a supper party near Little Gravely point and discovered Bubbles,the tiny boat in alien hands. The "owner" surrendered easily and now we have two such craft, the new# one longer and just as feeble as the old. Each will hold a small boy for a yet smaller period. Leslie adopted a kitten, butappalled by the responsibilities of foster parenthood, returned it to Shadow Brook farm. Fickle!  Early fishing Lawry Pickett and Charley Turner were rewarded by one perch. Fairly hot.

     New bubbles,(see above) launched and painted red and blue. Paddle wheel powe built by Young, to paddlewheels what Fisher is to bodies. While the fossilites augmented by Johnny Koppleman went after their dangerous prey, others went on a hike with George. Some sailing. Some aquaplaning. Warm clear day. Ball game at night on upper field. Freddie Allner announced as coming to Doug's tent soon. So dry we had to sprinkle the tennis court with our one sprinkling ?et!  At evening George and Lawry came in with two woodchucks they had observed Leo, (called the Isaurian by us, just Lee by our farmer neighbors) shooting , as they were out riding. At once Dr. Pears assisted by medical prospects, Classen, Young ,and [?????] Began dissection. The oil lamp, the corpse cut spread.???????????????????????????????
Anatomy: Skins stretched on the boathouse door and toothsome Torso roasted over the fire on the beach .  Oh the awful orgy which resulted. We never describe the impossibletodescribe.

Overcast and sultry, trying desperately hard to rin. A big ball game#,  sounding more like an international peace conference. With much wrangling, finally resulted in a victory for one side. It is remarkable how many ball games do come out just that way.  Tennis. All the usual activities with no incident.

Donny and Herbert Pickett depart for the Worlds Fair with their Grandfather, while others wonder on whose shoulders their duties will fall for the ten days of their absence. Jimmy Turner comes in for Charley, who vows he will return eftsoon.  Older boys go to the movies where the hero comes out all right again though in several tight places. Refreshments at Sherry's and so home and to bed.  Younger boys with George tour the lake by night in the motor boat.

     The game known as Hyde Bay bridge, being a combination of variations of all the better known systems, interspersed with sounds, yowls, altercations, ahouts of exultation, and radio programs,has begun, while the real variety is exponented by solemn quartets of elders.
A week of excellent weather and no unusual incident or accident.
Friday we held the first overnight hike, as usual up on the mountain back of camp which we call "Strawberry",because we once found wild ones there in great profusion . Maps call#it Mount Prospect. It rises steeply eight hundred feet above camp level. Which as you know is 1197 above sea-level.Fair weather and a clear But not cold night aided this expedition. It rained last year.

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