Hyde Bay Logo Hyde Bay Camp For Boys
Home Letter Volume II. Number 1., 1932

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Weather.          Rain and cold at the first of the week gave place to what we should like to consider Hyde Bay weather, clear,warm days with cold moonlit nights. It has not been uncomfortabl#y warm any day yet. The water has gotten more pleasantly warm these last few days.

BOYS.             This week sees us with about two short of the record July enrollment of last year. Five more boys are expected on August First.

Owls and Hawks.   Sam George brought to camp two great horned owls and two young hawks. We built a cage for them just across the rustic bridge near the aquarium. It includes a tree which seems to please them , but they still stare at the campers with wide-eyed wonder.

Beards.           Messrs Poore and Young are nurturing beards which have become the envy of the camp. The story that they were shot at by a woodchuck hunter proved to be absolutely false.

Snipe.            The younger boys conducted a snipe hunt this week with the hope of adding a well known delicacy to our fare. It is sad to report that in spite of alert and faithful bag holding by Morton, Alex and Frank, not one of those elusive birds fell prey to the hunters. This has so often proved the case that the editor is moved to offer a prize of a pair of gilded sky hooks for a pair of Otsego snipe in good repair.

Fish.             Mr. Poore having developed into a piscatorial mortician, we now have two fine specimens duly mounted in plaster of Paris. One is a game little perch of some three inches landed by Morton and the other a two pound bass landed by"Sandy."

Navy.             The old sailboat is being treated to a new everything but the bottom boards. At present she looks like the galley of Caligula recently exhumed from an Italian lake. A new boat for the Johnson motor has been obtained. It makes Cooperstown from camp in about twenty minutes. Three canvas canoes and a row boat also came in today. One of the canoes will be made into a sailing canoe, the equipment being already on hand.

Tennis court.     We are building a new tennis court. As soon as the current blisters,such as those of Mouse Emory, are healed work will be resumed at even greater speed.

Horse shoes.      Several of the campers are getting quite used to the new official shoes and the new official forty feet pitch. A ladder tournament will be started this week.

Horses.           Our three horses are being ridden almost constantly this season. This is no longer an extra and is indulged in by all. @@@ is the only old harse returning. Rocket and Nellie are the new ones. Francis Payne again has charge of the riding.

Garden.           Our camp garden has already produced greens and sill have beans for us this week. Corn is growing nicely.

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