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Home Letter July 5, 1930

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H Y D E    B A Y   S U M M E R   S C H O O L
O N   L A K E   O T S E G O
C O O P E R S T O W N,   N.   Y.

    This week has seen no very warm days. There has been some rain but mostly at night. A strong wind has been blowing in off the lake almost every day. We have had none of the dead calm, warm, "Glimmerglass" days. The nights have been cool but not extremely cold.

    This week has seen no accidents nor any sickness. There have been some slight cuts and scratches.

    Ian Fellowes Gordon of Tuxedo , N. Y. and Amory S. Carhart also of Tuxedo are the only new boys so far among the small boys. Cuyler Hammond and Leslie Exshaw are new to the older group in the Summer School.

    Donny Tag, Herbert and Lawrence Pickett are on hand for their fourth summer. Page Smith,recovering slowly from and accidental wound,is expected for his fourth summer on Wednesday. Jack Taliaferro and David Erswater reported for their third summer. Eddie Talmage and Hambelton Welbourn are back for their second season. Stephen Mann and Baker Symington are in the Summer School for a second season. Eben Reese is expected on Monday for his third season.

    The "Inn", a two room guest house and a similar structure for Mr. And Mrs. Pickett and Bobby have just been completed. They are the excat size of the regular tent and perhaps for-shadow bunk houses for the Summer School boys.

    Mr. Moore and Mr. Townsend are back for their Third Season. Charles Classen and Whitfield Jack are new to the Council while Mr. Dunning is a new faculty member. Mr. Hartzell returns to teach French after an absence of a year.

    Hikes up Strawberry mountain, explorations of Shadow Brook, and one supper picnic down the lake have featured the first week. The float and dock are out, canoes and rowboats in commission, while the sail-boat takes the water Tuesday and the motor-boat shortly after.

    The horses will be brought down as soon as we get the new camp garden properly fenced. Topsy will be back and we hope that Chuck willbe among them as well. Mr. Jack will have charge of riding.

    A strict daily bunk and tent inspection by Mr. Jack with his West Point experience is a new feture. A prize is offered for the best in each tent each week and finally for the whole season.

    Some harbors have already begun to take shape along the shore and many boats have already been built from the ample waste material of the new buildings.

    A third tent has been added to the ### small boy campus.It is in charge of Mr. Jack.

    After this week individual reports will be sent to the parents of each camper as well as this home-letter. Summer School boys will have the usual weekly reports.

    In the future editions of this sheet there will be articles by both boys and concillors.

    Mr. Francis N. O'Neill is a guest at the camp for a few weeks.

Day Boy.
    Waldo Johnston has been enrolled from Cooperstown with two courses in the Summer School.

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